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Mabel T. Vaunavel Astoria

Mabel T. Vaunavel Astoria

Mabel V being the most of her name she's comfortable writing out or sharing with people, She's constantly paranoid and worried, but she is rather big of spirit and a is prone to holding a grudge.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Small and petite, often seen as child-like and immature looking she has grown to resent this fact, but uses it as much as she can to get around problems with deception and to catch people off guard. Lithe, and short, and well past her growth spurt.

Body Features

Mabel's pale skin is dappled with freckles and spots, primarily over her back and shoulders, down her arms, and her thighs, as well as over her face. She has a large birthmark on her ribcage, which is very identifiable, and she keeps under wraps at all costs.

Facial Features

The Freckles on her body extend up to her face, lightly dappling her cheeks and across the bridge of her nose. Her Snow-pale skin kissed with light blush and reddened lips, with a small subtle scar near the base of her jaw. Strawberry blond hair kept usually in neat little buns around her ears is long enough to obscure parts of her face without getting too much in the way.

Identifying Characteristics

The birthmark on her ribcage is the most easily tied to her person, and the reason she keeps it hidden at all times. Otherwise she can be identified easily if people know her Jaw-Scar, or the assortment of Freckles over her body.

Physical quirks

Mabel is fairly average all things considered for the quirkiness of her physicality, though she seems to have fairly good control over her tail. She flinches at loud noises.

Apparel & Accessories

Mabel Wears nice clothes mostly, though they show signs of heavy wear and tear and travel. Formerly nice dresses turned into old rags and patched in many places over time with any fabric, some from other dresses or clothes that she owns, and some being made shorter to account for this. Despite the rag-tag nature they're well worked.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mabel was born in the petty kingdom of Jotur, in Thistleheim, which is her family hall. Her mother, and her three partners, her two wives, and her husband. are all equally considered by Mabel to be her parents, with birth parentage not being terribly important to her. Her father, Gunnar Spellbringer, was a renowned mage, whom she apprenticed under for a time, but found his lessons quite 'safe' and 'dull'. Taking it on herself, she used his personal library, without permission, to practice and learn her own studies, finding it very useful to learn how to quickly write things down, and to make what she calls "magical improvisations" based off the adaptive nature of her homeland, and its unpredictable weather. Stealing a spellbook from her father and keeping it hidden while she used his library to copy down his spells and arcane formulas. Her many siblings and her were all mostly raised in a way to be nobility, with training in courtship and charm and intrigue. Strategies and politics were as natural a subject for her as mathematics or language. All the while she and her siblings were Troublesome and mischievous, especially Mabel, Synri, and Alvor, who were almost inseparable, being born around the same time to each different mothers. Synri born to the Queen herself, Valka "Iron Fang" Vaunavel. Alvor, born to the Queen's Second wife Myri Osun. And Mabel being born to the Queen's first wife, Lorelei "Storm Blood" Astoria. The Three earned may a nickname in their house, and were all quite clever each in their own way, and taking after, in sorts, their biological mother. Causing mischief and trouble being their primary drive of the siblings, The siblings even had the thought to have the three learn a type of sign language to better communicate in secret, as well as to better include Mabel, who experienced some Pain when speaking sometimes.   When Mabel was around 15 or 16, her older Brother Ivar, Son of Myri, a prominent officer of the scouting corps , betrayed the kingdom in a grab for power, selling out secrets, information, and assisting in the siege of Thistleheim, giving rule over to the Blackstone Empire, in exchange for regency over the kingdom. Assisted by her mother, Mabel was able to escape into a blizzard, saving her life. Her rage, sadness, and Spite towards her older brother driving her forward through the storm with only what she could carry with her out of her home, the memories of several slain siblings, and her mother, the queen dying to the force fueling a need for revenge, and for secrecy. She Now seeks to build forces, and overthrow her brother in order to reclaim her kingdom. As well as a very resolute desire to make the Blackstone Empire Crumble.   On her journey north, she spent much of it alone, dodging Imperial squads and supporters in various outposts, keeping her identity hidden. Along the way meeting and establishing a few contacts in anti Imperial movements, eventually coming to an outpost town in which she helped to organize some of the relief efforts and smuggling out of the area for many families who were poor or trying to escape from Imperial reign. Namely a man named Fargus, who was a guard in town, whom she worked with directly for a few months to skirt Imperial efforts to crack down on the Refugees who were coming through the area. Eventually she grew to some manner of standing among those people as a helpful face, and a light of hope in people's darkest time. Eventually, while she and a few other folks from the town were trying to steal food and supplies from a military convoy passing by the outskirts of town, destined for an imperial fort to the south, a trap was sprung on them and the small group was imprisoned. They were found guilty of conspiring to burn a cart of relief supplies meant for civilians, and for murdering an officer in the Imperial army, though none of the stated transgressions occurred. Mabel was then held in a small prison, trying her best to maintain the secrecy of her identity in any way she could.

Gender Identity

Mabel doesn't hold Gender as that important, but uses She/Her Pronouns.


Mabel is a Polyamorous, and leans towards Women, but has no qualms against relations with Men.


Mabel was taught from a youthful age on the intrigue of courtly politics, and the intricacies of magic. The Later from her father, as well as some long lonely nights in his library without anyone else's knowing. The former was taught to her by a rotating cast of Tutors, some more focused on writing and literacy, others more so focused on manners and the subtle tact of talking and polite society. One even taught her how to use a few weapons befitting her station, though she took a particular liking to the Rapier, holding one which she had to leave behind in her childhood home, named Needle. She as well took a particular interest in the arts of regional histories and had a hobby of reading some of the Mystery novels she found in the libraries, as well as any books she could get a hold of, including a few more raunchy ones her sister Synri smuggled into the castle and the two read in secret together, giggling the whole time.


Mabel has never held a formal job before in her life, having been pruned and groomed for a royal or a noble station her entire life, and spending the last two years on the Run from the Blackstone Empire, she has not had the chance for much long term employment.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Mabel has accomplished little in her life, most of it dedicated to her studies, and her noble titles, though she did manage to organize a few of the secretive anti imperial factions around her homeland before she was arrested, though that amounts to little more than some relief efforts for refugees, though her own personal impact on them those two years has eluded her knowledge entirely. She hopes she has helped.

Failures & Embarrassments

Having many personal embarrassments in her life, many have involved her being caught in her shenanigans with her brother and sister, and the three being punished as such, often scrubbing the floors, or cleaning a stable, or some other combination, though they always faced it with good laughter, joy, and knowing they would have many more adventures together.

Mental Trauma

Seeing her family overthrown in that night and escaping into the blizzard, pursued but not caught has made Mabel cautions and fearful. Afraid of loud noises, as well as the burned in image of her once childhood home being over run with Imperial soldiers. She holds fear and hatred in her heart, and desires revenge, firstly on her Brother who betrayed her family, and secondly on the Empire who took everything from her.

Intellectual Characteristics

Mabel is s quick study with an eye for details. She in investigative and plotting, prone to thinking first and acting soon after. She may be somewhat impulsive and prone to her bits of anger and fury, but she does so in a way that is reliant on her brains and the idea of making those who have harmed her fear for their lives and future, in a very tactical sense.

Morality & Philosophy

From a young age she has believed in the idea of personal freedoms, and talking her way out of tense situations, but has since shifted towards a vengeful, spiteful approach. Though she still relies on her wits and even charms in conflicts, as well as spell craft, she is not nearly as kind to those who have very much harmed her. Minor transgression are easily forgiven, but betrayal and lies to her or her friends when sworn an oath are not.


Mabel is a bit more open minded when it comes to relationship Taboos in relationship to Number of partners, but is somewhat more reserved personally when it comes to any sort of more personal Taboos or Sexual Taboos.

Personality Characteristics


Mabel seeks to kick out the empire from her homeland and possibly see the entire empire ruined. She seeks vengeance for her people and her family, most of which she is unsure if they even live.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Mabel is very good at reading, research and most mental struggles. She's grown to enjoy mysteries and investigations.   She's fairly useless when it comes to her physicality.

Likes & Dislikes

Mabel likes to be comfortable and has a good time with comfortable settings like spending time under blankets, curled up on a couch by a fire, with a nice book and so on.    Mabel dislikes little, though some she does. She is discomforted by cats, though doesn't hate them. She doesn't like being dirty, and she doesn't like being watched or noticed. That makes her uncomfortable.

Vices & Personality flaws

Mabel once had a taste for luxuries, but that has since been changed out for simple pleasures. She finds her mind consumed by literature and stories in her free times instead of her former reality, romances and mysteries, those sorts of thrills and the ideas of honorable knights in shining armor, though she knows them as only fairy tales. Additionally she is prone to vengeance and scorn, finding betrayal soul crushing, and deserved of swift and decisive judgement. She does not forgive, but is also opportunistic and conniving. If the opportunity presents itself she will use someone for all they are worth.

Personality Quirks

She flinches at loud noises, tends to like to stay in small hidden locations, and tends to hug her tail when she is nervous. She has a different sense of modesty and 'properness' than many people due to the culture she grew up in.


Mabel likes to see herself well maintained and tidy. She does not like being a mess but has grown accustomed to the fact that she often is. She would while on the run through her homeland use the hot springs and any bathing opportunities she could find to keep herself clean, as well as her clothes and anything else. But since her imprisonment that has been hard to find. She has grown a touch more rugged in the past two years of running, more sturdy in ways, as well as unruly longer hair which she has not gotten the chance to cut, though she keeps it mostly well maintained and clean. She is used to public bathing, and does not see any issue with nudity like some might.
Lawful Neutral
18 Years
Winter's Embrace
Current Residence
On the Run
Mossy Green
Strawberry Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair Skin
Quotes & Catchphrases
"..." "?" "... !" TBD
Known Languages
Mabel's First language is the language of the Beastmen, like her and her parents. She learned common early, but a very clear accent makes it obvious that it was not exactly natural for her. She became interested in sign language with her siblings when they were making trouble in her House, which later became useful for being on the run.

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