Pharus More than ever, the world needs heroes to rise up and combat evil and injustice.

520 RBE

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The world of Pharus grows increasingly dark and dangerous. Everyday there are more and more whispers of evil and vile creatures rising from shadowy depths to spread across the land. War rages on the continent of Bestrideak. The mood grows heavy as recent events harken back to the Century of Cataclysm that almost destroyed all life on Pharus. Weariness and fear have shaken the inhabitants of the world. More than ever, heroes are needed to rise up and combat the growing evil and darkness.

It’s been 500 years since the Century of Cataclysm and The Great War when evil nearly wiped out all life on Pharus. Over the past five centuries the population has been building up slowly but society and settlements remain sparse and far apart. Humans control most settlements throughout Pharus with nine kingdoms emerging over the last five centuries. This includes the Elven kingdom of Silvesi. Tensions among the kingdoms are common but conflicts have been sparse due to small populations and the distance between settlements. An exception to this rule has been The Uxor War that has spread across Bestrideak.

The Uxor war has brought back memories of the dark and fearsome times of the Century of Cataclysm. As the war rages on, rumors and stories are spreading about evil powers sweeping across the world raising the dead and spawning grotesque creatures upon the land. Tales of dark magic have the inhabitants of Pharus, who are already weary and distrustful of magic, on edge. Those who practice in the art of spell casting and formulation of magical appliances have been driven into the shadows. These sages understand the importance magic has in balancing the division between good and evil but convincing those with lack of understanding and fear is a difficult task. These wizards and clerics are cautious to avoid flamboyant spectacles or demonstrations of their powers.