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Azar Kamder

Azar Kamder

Azar is a young Jotunkin trying to find himself. He doesn't want to walk the same path as his family so now he is forging his own, he just has no idea how to do it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Azar has quite a large physique. He has a big frame, is eight feet tall, and has a lot of muscle packed in. He's not cut by any means, it is more mountainous.

Body Features

Azar has ash grey skin, long red hair that is often put into a bun, and a large beard that he often braids. His skin often looks almost glossy, like there is a layer of glass between his skin and the air around him.

Facial Features

Azar does not express much with his face, however it does have a softness to it that is not commonly seen in people of his clan. His eyes are a deep amber.

Identifying Characteristics

Azar has a back tattoo that is the symbol of his clan.

Special abilities

When Azar rages, he begins to emit significantly more heat. This leads to the air rippling around him and if his hair is down than it begins to slightly move, swaying like a flame.

Apparel & Accessories

Azar wears the Robe of Kamder and pants.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Azar's name used to be Ithax Kenaz, he was born into the Kenaz clan and worked as a blacksmith for them. The Kenaz clan is a group of Jotunkin who travel around The Sundered Peaks, raiding towns and mines for Heknavite and killing any who they perceive as being at all responsible for the poor historical and current treatment of Fire giants. They are empowered by the rage of their ancestors in everything they do. Ithax's father, Petus, is a heavily respected figure within the clan and wants to ensure that they don't move from their tradition and way of life. Petus named his son Ithax because it means Herald of Devotion, and he believed that Ithax would pick up his task when he passed on, ensuring that the clan held true to tradition. Ithax was put through the same ceremony all Jotunkin in the clan are put through in infancy, a ritual that binds the vengeful and rage filled spirits of passed Jotunkin to your own spirit, empowering you when you enter battle. Ithax felt as though the ritual didn't effect him in any way. As he got older and older, whenever his father had him in training and tried to make him call the spirits forward, he was never able to. Because Ithax could not call the spirit forward, he was not allowed to join the raids, but this was fine by him. Ithax was put to work as a blacksmith for the clan through his adolescent years. He enjoyed his work and he was even able to learn how to shape Heknovite, the rare material of the Jotun. One day, when Ithax was 20 years old, his father came back from a raid carrying the lifeless body of his brother Meno. Seeing his brothers lifeless body sent Ithax into a rage and suddenly he felt the connection with the spirits of his ancestors. Ithax felt the rage and grief and sorrow of every fire giant who had lost their own brothers and mothers and wives, it was overwhelming. Petus dropped Meno's body and embraced Ithax. Petus said that he was so proud that Ithax had finally embraced his past and that he was ready to guide Ithax into the future. This knocked the wind and emotion out of Ithax, he was stunned that his father could do this, could discard his dead son. In this moment Ithax realized that this was no longer his home, so he grabbed what he thought he would need and left. Ithax grabbed the Robe of Kamder, a Robe worn by the giant hero Kamder who protected those who needed it and was an ancestor of Ithax's. Now Ithax walks the path to Hektia with a new name and a new purpose, to understand the plight of fire giants and what they did with their grief.

Azar is a young Fire Jotunkin who is on a journey to understand his ancestors and the pain that they experienced. He is quiet, observant, and doesn't quite know how to interact in most social situations yet. He hopes to help his people one day.

View Character Profile
Date of Birth
12th of Jabaric 650 AOM
Rufous Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ashen Grey
400 lbs

Session 13

Session 13   The person who can get us magical items and wants to destroy the Silk Dredge is the same person. The purple skinned Tiefling boy Torahn is the one we want to talk to about the man we need to talk to. The path to Averius Vandel is marked by red paint from Torahn's fingerprints. He knows where to find Magical Weapons and has a strong dislike for the Northwind Kingdom. We followed the trail into a dark underground area and arrived at a tower.   Averius is a red haired Dwarf who is probably a little crazy. He is intensely magical. He has a pet Otter named Thorak. The magic items we are looking for are kept at Helohaus and Clocherin Lobros, which are on the path to Felrok.


Begin writing your story here...

Session 12
7th of Sarheema, 670 AoM

Jax's Weapon Smith is toward the Back end of the barge where the vagabonds who have been displaced by the big fish people live. Apparently not much is there since the bounty hunters ransacked it. The cobbler has drugs.   Franklin's Three Big Bindlestiffs   The entrance to the lower barge is marked by a rat skull on a stick. A flat brimmed human named Kori, who seems to be mute, guarded the entrance to this shanty town called the back lots. It is run by The Vagrant Queen of Brofton Hoyra.   Benthians are the creatures that have been attacking folks.   We are attempting to rescue some Vagabonds and the queen will give us information about where to find magic weapons and someone who may want to help us blow up the silk dredge.

Session 10 & 11

We got to Brofton and found a wanted poster outside of the city with descriptions for the three of us. Socc socc decided to talk to Lefty through the stone, and he told us we should probably get out of the country. We talked about whether we want to seek the aid of the criminal factions, or even how, or if we should just bolt south until we hit the ocean and get out of the country that way. We decided no matter what, we needed to go into Brofton for supplies, Rations, potions, a map, and a magic weapon if we could procure one. Inside of the city, a blind man took me to the central structure of the lake, where the shops are. He told me that he could tell I was on the run and he asked me if what for. I did not tell him much but I did ask him if he knew where I could buy a magic weapon. He said no shops sold them here but that there are some in the bottom of the lake. Perhaps he is aware of someone who could point us in the right direction or someone who could get us out of the country safely. The Innith road is closed, so says the Town Crier. The Siltdredge is running for the next three nights (met with poor reactions) Denton Tiffle was the man who boated me the central Barge.   Session 11   "Engineers of the Silk Dredge"   The play "oh great general" is recounting of the war of Thunder and Shield". We can see the mountain range from where we are. There is a tower in the center of the barge. Mercenaries went to Jax's weapon smith, lowlife is there. I am heading to Cyrus' Ceromancy to buy potions. The shop is held together entirely by wax and is run by a Fire Genasi man named Cyrus. The candle in the center of the room seems to have something ruinic in it.   Cyrus showed me the future. A being holding a sword 10 times their size, the mountains of Jotunheim (Probably), and a land mass floating in the air. I bought 4 common healing potions from him and asked him about the soul rune inside his candle. He denied that it existed.   Socc Socc headed to Gloria's Bakery. It has a small entrance and seems to be made for short folk. The bakery is filled with children. Gloria has 16 children.   On his way to the general store, Peregrimm walked past a government building of purple and gold, it had Marked Guard outside of it. Peregrimm found his way to Red or Alive: Trinkets and Fantasies. It is incredibly messy and Peregrimm by an unkempt human man. The man asked Peregrimm if he was "a friend of the owner." and Peregrimm said yes. The man said that he was a bit early but that he would get his "gift from the boss" and some maps. The man (Conlen) came back with some maps and the gift which was a vase with some plants. Peregrimm told him that he was not actually the guy and Conlen responded by saying the boss told him that he would be a bit of a prankster. The owner of Red or Alive is into some shady shit and is currently at a ball in Osteroost.   We congregated at The Wailing Smugglers Inn and Oddity Shop. It is dingy and gross. We heard about the Smuggler's Road which is an open route into the Astranian League. It seems the Astranian League and Northwind Kingdom are on the brink of war.

The Cycle of Rage

I keep thinking about the adrenaline pumping through my body, the heat emanating off of my skin, the power I felt in that moment. There was no other course of action but to destroy what was right in front of me, and yet in that space there was a primal fear, the fear of the conquered. I knew that I could not overcome what was in front of me, so I got away at all costs. Now my muscles ache, my skin feels burnt, and my ears are filled with their screams; the screams of the axebeak when I crushed its leg, the screams of the man when I impaled him, the screams of my father in battle, the screams of Kamder as he saw the slaughter of his people, my screams when I saw my brothers body. It is cyclical, all of it, but too much pressure and the wheel must break. Surely their wheel has a breaking point as well. I need to know more about these colonizers before I can even attempt to set my people free. I will ensure that they break before we do, and I only know one way to do it.  

Session 9

The voice from the dream is the same voice that said "Nobody dies today" during the last fight.   Peregrimm blasted a rabbit on accident and it turned into a mush pile, also a rock. He blasted me and it hurt, fracturing my arm. The rabbit and rocks were drawn near each other (Entropy?)   We encountered some Harpy's and they ran away. We made it to the Varcen road and started heading towards Brofton.   A strange bat was flying around camp and when Socc socc struck it, it changed into a strange creature (Imp?)   I talked to a rabbit named O'Hare who was not nice. He told me about Brofton and then Franklin ate him.

Session 8

We were hunting for game and gathering for supplies for a few days, when suddenly we were attacked by detective Anvers and a large being made of air. He called me by my old name, and went invisible. He killed Peregrimm while Socc Socc and I killed the air. While we were fighting the air, I saw spectral chains appear around it and a voice said "Nobody dies today." When we went to check up on Peregrimm, he had returned to life, he said he spoke to the stars and the stars brought him back, and that he could still see them. Detective Anvers disappeared.   Dream: A snowflake. Biting cold hits my skin. Jotunheim. A massive blade sunken deep into the snow. The sword has a rune the reads "bitter soul". As I touch the sword, it begins to heat up and snow melts around it. It melts to the rune Skel, representing soul, given or taken. I am shunted out of my body and the valley is filled with voices. Other souls are staring at me, and chanting Dampfenn in my direction. One soul steps forward, a large bodied being with spectral tattoos. "Ithax welcome. You are Dampfenn no more. He is Dampfenn no more. The crowd of spirits cheer "Skel". There were chains wrapped around everyones ankles, including mine. The soul drew the rune for soul on my forehead. The soul brought me back to my body, which was erupting in flame, and placed me inside of it. When I awoke, the rune for soul was still on my forehead, this is not something that has happened with any of the other stamfaroks he knows.

Session 7

Shetra   Gunt and Bramble   2 days worth of hyena meat   Items in cave: Set of 4 spell scrolls Random key Dagger that creates its own light, moon hilt. (Moon touched) Maroon Mantle with arcane sigils inside Three flasks of alchemists fire Random potion with waves inside of it A group of five dead falcons bound together with feathers plucked, with open mouths and a Jotun rune attached, the symbol for stone. (Birds were killed by a bludgeoning force. Hempen rope binds them. Mouths are kept open by rocks in their mouths. Each one is missing feathers from the left wing.) On the back wall there is a charcoal drawing of symbols of groves of trees, symbol of a ravine, symbol of an Ettin holding up gifts of some kind, a a symbol of a much larger being than the Ettin wielding a massive sword accepting the gift.   Asgut (Name the Ettin said before death)   Total of 240 GP (40 went to Shetra)   It took us about 9 days to get from Hektia to Wella's Stashcave  

Session 6

Pimton Pollywalk   Soul Rune - The aspect of being itself. This rune was used in my ceremony. When writing this rune I saw a vision of tall mountains and giants speaking to me. They called me by my giant name. I awoke and felt the same feeling I experienced when listening for the air elemental, something primal within myself, something that ties me to my ancestors. My maul was lodged into the side of the tree next to me.

Session 5

A halfling man answers the door. He is scared when he hears the knock on the door. There is a lot of gear work throughout the house. Strange technology. There is an automaton inside the house.   Wella is an older halfling woman. She wears glasses but one lens is cracked. She has symbology on her belts, crownpicks and merchants guild are some of them.   The Scoldspire, a group of powerful mages in Osteroost. Potentially the wizard fighting the dragon outside of Hektia is a member. We got three red dragon scales.   Coin on the Dwarf that was killed by Franklin says "The Prying Weasel never waits to hunt."

Session 4

Make the Krugalcaine and go across the stone bridge, at the location knock twice and ask for privacy.   Vlog the chef can make Krugalcaine. Large shack with blueish tinge roofing. We need to get Vlog a jibbering mouther. A mound of flesh with a bunch of mouths, he needs the flesh. The ground gets spongy and red around Jiberring Mouthers, all of the mouths on the creature whisper. They have the ability to disorient someone.   Giant work song in the pit of flame.   We killed the Jibbering Mouth and found a Mistcork Mask as well as 5 vials of potion (3 common healing and 2 poison resistance)   Last building in the Eastern roaders.   OH MY LORD THAT WAS A STRESSFUL BRIDGE   Wella is the name of the smuggler we are meeting in the Eastern Rotors.  

Session 3

Begin writing your story here...Ran from the guards   Talked to Tat (The Tortle) for a way down to the Eaves, he guided us to a spot to go down.   As we go into the eaves we hear the rest of the song. "On the horizon smoke rises. Cries and screams come with blades. The pain of loss is put on us. Oh what a great pain we felt for them. We were but thorns to their crown." - The lament of the East   Statue in the building with four stair cases. In the distance there is a small figure (about four feet tall) a bird man picking things up. They have a sword strapped to their back. His name is Crawland the Arimite. He is in the sanctuary of the marble grave.   Mistcork masks let you breath down here.   Detective Anver of the Stone Creedance. Fred Tzu Haiku's   BUT A TOOL Ride upon rent back. For I am nothing to you. I am but a tool.   CONNECTION OF THREE HEARTS Rain falls on the town. Cold air, fights ardent meeting. Three full hearts connect.   SONG OF THE WILTING THROAT Starving throats singing. How they sing for harmony. How the crowns shuns them.  

Session 2

Cinder's Hollow baby   Crime's will be doubly charged today.   Go to the bow, in the lower station down into the eaves.   Diog the Fire Giant who runs Diog's Hammer in The Ore Arterial. He told me that Hektia was shitty but it was home.   Arster (Bartender at Hilldew's Hillden)   The Dazzling tree   Hyde's house was probably burned down because a lot of people don't like him. Detlev Keim, his landlord and the landlord of Orabella's crossing, didn't like him either.   On the horizon, smoke rises (In giant) and elvish man sand this before a marked guard tackled him, gagged him, and threw him on the back of the axebeak.

Session 1

There is so much smog in this city. The disparity of those who have power and those who don't is quite obvious. They seem to be getting ready for a celebration but I think you could hardly call it that. The mood is quite dim and the discomfort is obvious and prevalent. Clearly those who are in charge don't care for their people. I wonder how giants are living here, perhaps what they offer is valuable enough that the care the city provides reflects that.   Stonetouch smithing sponsored by the merchants guild of the crown   Rotneer was the half-elven man who delivered the message about Cinder's Hollow to the people. (Azar doiesn't know this, Peregrimm learned this information)   The White Finger (Where Hyde's Boys were meeting before and after they pickpocketed folks)   Orabella's crossing (The place where Hyde's Boys and Small were both trying to pickpocket folks, and where Rotneer gave his speech to the people about the crown appreciating them.   Hildew's Hillden (Where Peregrimm and I got food after we killed Hyde's Boys. I ate my first paid for meal)   Hyde's Boys (Hyde is dead and the remnants of what is left is now pickpocketing in territory they shouldn't be. Azar doesn't know this yet, small learned this information.)   Bundor is Small's boss and is working within an organization. Small suggested that he and his "mercenaries" should take care of Hyde's Boys and Bundor thought this was a great idea.   EXPECT MORE GUARDS AROUND NEXT SESSION, CINDER'S HOLLOW AND THE MESSAGE WE SENT SUGGESTS THERE WILL BE A LARGER PRESENCE.   Polias' exotic pets  


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