
"Put your mask back on! I don't care if the jungle is hot or if you're sweaty behind it, I won't stand to lose one of my men because of his own stupidity."

Every individual on the floating sea wears a mask. Sometimes, animals do too. This practice was not always commonplace, but myth and tragedy made it an everyday occurrence. It is now unthinkable for someone to show their face to anyone but family and close friends, and never in public.


Sacred craft


Masks are made as symbols of a clan. Each one has their own mask maker who carves the wood of a tree graced by the presence of their sacred animal. The mask is supposed to evoke the spirit of their guardian, so that it protects the wearer from the danger. Depending on the prestige of the clan, the craftsmanship range from crude to finely detailed with golden strands.


Hide from the evil


Legend has it that the masks protect against lingering evil spirits, which float around, waiting for an unmasked prey to take hold of their body. However, if they work like a charm, they wouldn't need to be worn on the face specifically. Some people do have multiple masks, some being actual charms worn on the belt.


The truth behind the masks is far more dreadful than some spirits. Once, some twisted individuals were gifted the ability to take full control over one's body simply by looking directly into their uncovered eyes. They founded a heretic sect and waged war on the realm. They thankfully lost, and their sect has been destroyed, but it is now a deeply rooted fear that exposing one's face makes them vulnerable to possession, or an extremely painful death. After all, some assassins may have survived and spread secretly in the shadows, waiting for the time when the martial world puts down their masks.


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Aug 4, 2024 17:10 by Marjorie Ariel

Wow, I feel like this is a very unique response to the prompt, since masks are not something we usually think of as protective (except for medical masks). I also like the historical meaning you gave to it.

Aug 4, 2024 19:38

Thank you! This article was hugely inspired by world of the webtoon City of Blank, which revolves around people that must hide their face to live.

Hoo~ Hoo