Pillars of Creation

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Invar is planet not too dissimilar from our own. It has expansive blue oceans, fields of green, the highest mountains and the lowest valleys. On this planet there are 3 continents, each with their own ruling body.


Home of the Humans, Dragonborn, and Halflings
Home of the Elves, Gnomes and Changelings
Home of the Dwarves, Orcs, and Goliaths

Though other races exist throughout the world, these 9 have been present on this planet since the beginning of creation. You can find most races in all parts of the world, though the highest concentration of them are found within their home capitals.

Governing Bodies

The Council of Valryn   Consisting of 9 seats, the Council of Valryn rules through the voice of the people. Each council member is elected by popular vote and serves for as long as they choose, though it is custom to step down from their position after a decade has passed.   The 9 seats of the council represent the different parts of society and are as follows:  
  • Representative of Agriculture
  • Representative of Commerce
  • Representative of Education
  • Representative of Magic
  • Representative of Military Matters
  • Representative of Exploration
  • Representative of Construction
  • Representative of Diplomacy
  • Representative of Civil Matters

  • The Queendom of Syl'Mastria   Queen Tyrellia Vel'Tan has ruled this Queendom for over 500 years, rising to the throne at the young age of 74 after the sudden death of her mother Queen Malros Vel'Kas. She has ruled with a firm, but fair hand throughout her time, never going back on her word, but having compassion where it is needed. Though she has a council of advisors, her word is law.     The Goldstone Collective   The Goldstone Collective was the first governing body ever formed. The Collective is formed of 5 Chairmen. Each chair represents one of the now 5 major races found within their kingdom.  
  • Dwarves
  • Orcs
  • Goliaths
  • Minotaurs
  • Goblins

  •   Minotaurs were granted a seat nearly 1000 years ago, and Goblins were granted their seat around 400 years ago. All major governmental decisions must go through the Collective, and must have all Chairmen agree to the proposal. Generally if the majority of Chairmen want a proposal to pass, the remainder wont argue. Though there have been instances where weeks of debating took place before action was taken, or completely denied.

    Pillars of Creation

    When the founding gods formed the earth, they each anchored their essence to a point on the planet. These points became what are known as the Pillars of Creation. Over time, civilizations formed centered on these pillars, helping to establish the 3 continents.   Valryn contains the Pillar of Heart, a gold-inlaid marble pillar with a large ruby encased within.   Syl'Mastria contains the Pillar of Wisdom, a tree made of quartz with water flowing through the branches   Goldstone contains the Pillar of Strength, a large black anvil with a diamond hilt resting atop of it

    Magic in the World

      An important thing to note about Invar is that high level magic is very rare within this world. Outside of healing magic, most people have only seen cantrips cast, or at max, second level spells. This is not to say that high level magic doesn't exist, it is just difficult to find. But those who wield it are not to be trifled with.