Craco Lexicon Price List. Document in Pinebarrens | World Anvil
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Craco Lexicon Price List.

Common- Bead of Nourishment 85g. Bottle of Boundless Coffee 59g. Breathing Bubble 99g. Candle of the Deep 69g. Cleansing Stone 77g. Ear Horn of Hearing 69g. Everbright Lantern 69g. Horn of Silent Alarm 69g. Illuminator’s Tattoo 80g. Lantern of Tracking 50g. Masque Charm 88g. Medal of the Horizonback 99g. Medal of the Wit 91g. Orb of Direction 77g. Orb of Shielding 77g. Orb of Time 77g. Pressure Capsule 88g. Ruby of the War Mage 88g. Scribe’s Pen 69g. Spellwrought Tattoo 55g. Uncommon- Amulet of the Devout 323g. Barrier Tattoo 373g. Brooch of Living Essence 303g. Brooch of Shielding 161g. Broom of Flying 212g. Coiling Grasp Tattoo 484g. Cracked Driftglobe 232g. Decanter of Endless Water 151g. Dragon Vessel 171g. Dust of Corrosion 383g. Dust of Deliciousness 444g. Dust of Disappearance 373g. Dust of Dryness 131g. Dust of Sneezing and Choking 484g. Earworm 454g. Eldritch Claw Tattoo 333g. Elemental Gem 393g. Emerald Pen 303g. Eversmoking Bottle 333g. Eyes of Charming 424g. Eyes of Minute Seeing 424g. Guardian Emblem 424g. Guild Keyrune 344g. Harkon’s Bite 457g. Immovable Rod 235g. Infernal Puzzle Box 485g. Insignia of Claws 350g. Mizzium Apparatus 341g. Night Caller 382g. Paper Bird 322g. Pearl of Power 353g. Periapt of Health 421g. Periapt of Wound Closure 228g. Pixie Dust 410g. Psi Crystal 254g. Ring of Jumping 388g. Ring of Mind Shielding 108g. Ring of Obscuring 153g. Ring of Swimming 124g. Ring of Truth Telling 322g. Rings of Shared Suffering 182g. Seeker Dart 425g. Sending Stones 194g. Smokepowder 137g. Soul Coin 446g. Spell Gem 111g. Spellwrought Tattoo 138g. Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone) 166g. Stone of Ill Luck 363g. Wildspace Orrery 495g. Rare- Alchemical Compendium 2,345g. Amulet of Protection from Turning 2,416g. Amulet of the Devout 3,378g. Barrier Tattoo 2,790g. Cube of Force 1,913g. Figurine of Wonderous Power 1,390g. Folding Boat 3,113g. Heward’s Handy Haversack. 4,175g. Mizzium Mortar 2,346g. Necklace of Fireballs 1,649g. Necklace of Prayer beads 4,344g. Needle of Mending 3,839g. Opal of the Ild Rune 678g. Orb of the Stein Rune 2,043g. Protective Verses 1,110g. Quaal’s Feather Token 4,904g. Ring of Evasion 2,660g. Ring of X-ray Vision 4,768g. Rod of Vonindod 2,265g. Scaled Ornament 2,659g. Shadowfell Brand Tattoo 1,508g. Spell wrought Tattoo 3,944g. Stone of controlling Earth Elementals 4,207g. Tentacle Rod 4,745g. Ventilating Lungs 3,210g. Very Rare- Abracadabrus 33,704g. Candle of Invocation 20,211g. Carpet of Flying 12,426g. Chronolometer 32,682g. Crystal Ball 27,827g. Efreeti Bottle 27,096g. Far Gear 16,524g. Guild Keyrune 15,381g. Helm of Brilliance 19,652g. Orb of the Veil 8,183g. Rod of Absorption 29,557g. Rotor of Return 18,057g. Scaled Ornament 42,658g.
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