Craco Smithy Price List. Document in Pinebarrens | World Anvil
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Craco Smithy Price List.

Basic Armour, Medium, Chain Shirt 50g, Scale Mail 50g, Spiked Armour 75g, Breastplate 400g, Halfplate 750g,   Heavy, Ring Mail 30g, Chain Mail 75g, Splint 200g, Plate 1,500g, Shield 10g,   Weapons Simple, Dagger 2g, Handaxe 5g, Javelin 5s, Light Hammer 2g, Sickle 1g, Spear 1g, Martial, Battleaxe 10g, Flail 10g, Glaive 20g, Greataxe 30g, Greatsword 50g, Halberd 20g, Longsword 15g, Maul 10g, Morningstar 15g, Rapier 25g, Scimitar 25g, Shortsword 10g, Trident 5g, War pick 5g, Warhammer 15g,   Silvered add 100g, Wonderous Common- Armblade 95g, Armour of Gleaming 81g Medium/Heavy, Cast off Armour 72g, Illuminator’s Tattoo 80g, Instruments of Illusions 59g, Instrument of Scribing 69g, Lock of Trickery 59g, Masque Charm 88g, Moon-Touched Sword 60g, Mystery Key 88g, Prosthetic Limb 69g, Vox Seeker 96g.   Uncommon- Ammunition +1 242g, Blood Spear 252g, Guild Signet 167g, Helm of Underwater Action 199g, Immovable Rod 235g, Instruments of the Bards 391g, Javelin of Lightning 351g, Lantern of Revealing 295g, Mind Carapace Armour 304g, Ring of Obscuring 153g, Ring of Swimming 124g, Ring of Warmth 425g, Rod of Retribution 159g, Sentinel Shield 117g, Shatterspike 225g, Shield +1 496g, Spies’ Murmur 386g, Trident of Fish Command 494g, Weapon +1 160g, Weapon of Warning 170g.   Rare- All-Purpose Tool +2 1,890g, Ammunition +2 3,978g, Armour +1 4,679g, Armour of Resistance 1,435g, Claw of the Wyrm Rune 3,278g, Dagger of Blindsight 4,438g, Dimensional Shackles 559g, Gambler’s Blade 1,207g, Helm of Teleportation 1,704g, Mace of Terror 3,257g, Ring of Feather Falling 2,203g, Ring of Protection 3,642g, Scissors of Shadow Snipping 1,943g, Sunblade 2,048g, Sword of Wounding 3,364g.   Very Rare- Bloodaxe 22,129g, Frost Brand 47,218g, Moon Sickle+3 42,040g, Ruidium Shield 20,717g.
Guide, Generic

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