Craco Tanner Price List. Document in Pinebarrens | World Anvil
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Craco Tanner Price List.

Armour- Basic. Light- Padded Leather 5g, Leather 10g, Studded Leather 45g. Medium - Hide 10g. Shield wood and leather 10g.   Weapons- Basic. Simple- Club 1s, Greatclub 2s, Javelin 5s, Quarterstaff 2s, Spear 1g, Crossbow Light 25g, Dart 5c, Shortbow 25g, Sling 1s. Martial- Lance 10g, Longsword 15g, Maul 15g, Pike 5g, Shortsword 10g, Whip 2g, Blowgun 10g, Crossbow Hand 75g, Crossbow Heavy 50g, Longbow 50g, Net 1g.   Wonderous Items. Common- Cast off Armour 72g, Pot of Awakening 77g, Prosthetic Limb 69g, Rope of Mending 96g, Shield of Expression 96g, Smoldering Armour 96g, Staff of Adornment 88g, Staff of Birdcalls 88g, Staff of Flowers 77g, Tankard of Sobriety 88g, Unbreakable Arrow 77g, Veteran’s Cane 96g, Wand Sheath 77g.   Uncommon- Ammunition +1 242g, Balloon Pack 383g, Broom of Flying 212g, Dragonhide Belt 454g, Finder’s Goggles 108g, Gloves of Missile Snaring 161g, Gloves of Swimming and Climbing 366g, Gloves of Thievery 454g, Goggles of Night 371g, Helm of Telepathy 106g, Mask of the Beast 415g, Pipes of Haunting 493g, Pipes of the Sewers 216g, Quiver of Ehloma 140g, Rod of the Pack Keeper +1 442g, Rope of Climbing 408g, Saddle of the Cavalier 476g, Shield +1 496g, Staff of the Adder 409g, Staff of the Python 177g, Wand of Magic Detection 445g, Wand of Secrets 345g, Weapon +1 160g, Weapon of Warning 170g, Wheel of Wind and Water 350g.   Rare- Ammunition +2 3,978g, Armour +1 4,679g, Armour of Resistance 1,435g, Bag of Beans 4,676g, Belt of Dwarvenkind 589g, Butcher’s Bib 1,685g, Corpse Slayer 1,060g, Dragon Wing Bow 747g, Dragon Hide Belt +2 4,532g, Instruments of the Bards 4,246g, Leather Golem Armour 3,051g, Shield+2 2,713g, Shield of Far Sight 3,990g, Siren Song Lyre 2,950g, Staff of Charming 3,231g, Staff of Swarming Insects 1,533g, Staff of the Ivory Claw 1,751g, Two Birds Sling 3,560g, Wand of Binding 2,627g, Wand of Paralysis 4,138g, Wand of Viscid Globs 4,293g, Weapon+2 2,946g.   Very Rare- Armour+2 41,183g, Arrow of Slaying 28,014g, Dragonhide Belt+3 32,707g, Living Armour 20,212g, Oathbow 26,056g, Shield+3 26,443g, Sling Bullets of Althemone 9,770g, Staff of Fate 41,853g, Wand of Polymorph 24,956g, Wand of the War Mage 36,924g.
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