BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Diary of Tilly Lucan.

Entry 1 Dearest Diary. I was amazed by the courage that they showed. Four individuals each as different from the next willing to go and rescue children that they have never met or owe anything too. Of course I had to join them. The battles were long and hard not one of us came out of it without injury and the amount of death I saw drained me of my joy, well until Hatch'net took us to the fey wilds! Yes the actual feywilds, turns out she's a warlock which obviously put me on edge until I saw her patron, the prince of frost himself. Safe to say, I think I'm going to like her. It's going to be hard leaving Kyle behind but I can tell these people are going to do good and they aren't the most sensible and pretty reckless. They will need my skills. I've taken a few of my babies with me, my warty boys I hope the group don't mind them.   Entry 7 Dearest Diary, First time in Craco, what an open place. Plus we've added a number to our group, a changling would you believe it? I travel with two humans, a Hobgoblin, a Drow and now a Changling. She seems nice enough if a little unstable, I can tell I'm going to have her blood all over my hands. By Lliira these people talk about the bakery like its the best place ever. Ok sure, its good, like really good but we don't need a detailed account of everything. The tavern is nice but squishing five of us into one room is a little tight, thankfully Hatch and I can just meditate in chairs. Ana is really sweet but for someone who has as much anxiety as she does, I'm concerned that she learns far too quickly, something doesn't sit right. I'll chat with VB about it later.   Entry 22 Dearest Diary, We've been given a house. I say we because I will be staying there obviously but I have my own home in West Port. Ace was offering to make beds for everyone so Kit and I busied ourselves with carry the wood to the basement and then up to the rooms. I've opted for the smallest room, I don't need much just a place for my warty boys to rest in and a place where I can store my armour, shield and Flail. I need to say this, we are never letting VB cook ever again. I don't know what she has been cooking but it smells like it's been dead for a year. Ana will just have to take the job, I know VB says everything is fine with her but I don't know... and Hatch is being suspiciously tightlipped over it too. Maybe a zone of truth? No she might just have secrets, she's like me doesn't like death, I should welcome that and cherish it. In fact I will.   Entry 29 Dearest Diary, Craco day was such an amazing experience. A celebration of everyone because they are different but unique even among their own speices. I cut off a chunk of my hair and added it to the fire. I even won a Dragon turtle plushie, SOOOO CUTE!! Not a froggy but still cute. It sits in front of my armour on a stool that Ace made me, guard Tyrese the Dragon Turtle reporting for duty! I saw the local kids Mini Tilly and Lord Hops of Hoppington, they loved them both, I kept the poisonous ones in my room, we don't need accidents. Trevor, despite being a quite kinda guy has so much passion about sharks we spoke for hours when we both went back to the house about them, after he was so impressive with his crossbow and not flirting back with that Elf, she was practically sat on his face.   Entry 41 Dearest Diary, So the Carnival is...eye opening. I'm not sheltered by any stretch of the imagination but damn that place is full of life, sexual tension, and well people just being naked. I met another Changling called Vaan, he runs a kissing booth, I did kiss him my dearest Kyle but I described you because my heart misses you and I really want to come home but I have a duty here. The owner of the whole thing DeVie, well VB was drooling into his lap but I saw the briefest look of interest from Hatch, I really need to get her lovelife outta her at some point, maybe when we sit down to read together again. Anyway, I suppose he's good looking, he's in great shape, attractive but his view is of the world and making it better, that's my job, I take the risks, I like my men to try to just make their world better. I miss your level headedness Kyle my love, I miss having you complain that the milk has gone bad or that we've run out of eggs and I can go get them, I miss our simple life. Don't forget me, I will be home soon, we have some hags to defeat first. The food fight however was so much fun. I loved pouring that wine down VB's back and pelting Hatch with strawberries. Don't worry they got me good too. I was hit by a potato in the eye thanks to Kit, I'm looking forward to the swelling tomorrow.   Entry 43 Dearest Diary, It was a sad day today, so much death again, I suppose I could write it off because it was a cult and they were doing terrible things but it still never feels right. VB got to kind of say goodbye to a friend and we learn that Hatch speaks Sylvan, apparently it only works on animals that live in enchanting forests so shje couldn't speak to any of my boys but she did find a toad that I have named Dr Lumps on the way back to Craco and I automatically love him.   Entry 82, Dearest Diary, Two hags down, tensions across the group, I just wish VB and Ace would speak. Either you like each other or not but I also think that things might have gone too far for them to work but that's not my job to worry about, I just need to be there for them both. Ace is struggling to speak, typical guy, especially from Jamestown but maybe he might open up if I keep talking with him. I like Taari, so much fun. I can't wait to execute our latest prank, we are going to dye Jasper pink and yellow stripes, I'm going to hold her and he is doing the painting. Don't worry it's just sheep dye it will wash out after a few baths.   Entry 90 Dearest Diary, Back to the Carnival. We are speaking with Hatch's sister. I've never met her, I wonder what she will be like? I will make sure that I will either go for a walk with her or read with her if that is something that she wants. Well the group split pretty quickly, I miss Ace, he would have hung out with me. Hatch was off with DeVie, Trevor was off getting plushies, I spent sometime there and he got me a giant frog, I was so happy I was squeaking like a child. I had to walk away after as I was blushing so brightly. VB was with her Ex Thohgo and Taari, well Vice, well Nox they were all either with Vaan or sneaking around. I guess I wasn't needed so I just sat with Roger and Ana kept them company as I was thinking about the aura's Hatch mentioned, something is ringing in the back of my mind, I know what this is.   Entry 93 Dearest Diary, Back in the city, I hate it here. The looks I get from the High Elves makes my skin crawl, we even faced some racism when we walking in but that lovely young man Jonah put them in their place. He's a paladin, booo, I was hoping he's be a cleric too but Ana gave him a very redfaced look, I think she likes him. I will say I will never get bored of watch Hatch eat, damn that girl must have grown up eating only mushrooms down there with how excited she gets. The pizza here is still good, I remember when Kyle and I came here, I really really need to see him but West Port isn't safe for them. Maybe once we are done with this hag he can come to Craco for awhile I want him near me again. I miss his smile so much, like I've left part of me behind. We also had a difficult meeting with Daag earlier, apparently Nox is going to see him as Kit, I really need to check in with her about it but I've been trying to get some time alone with Hatch, I've figured out what the aura's mean but I don't want to make them suspicious, she will wake from meditating in the next few hours we will have time then. They are the result of...strange noise I'm going to check it out, if I'm not back get Roger to locate creature on me, I'll leave me diary open... it sounds like...singing but...wrong somehow...


Journal of her adventures as a V.A.G.I.N.A.
Journal, Personal
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