Thanks and Remembrance. Tradition / Ritual in Pinebarrens | World Anvil
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Thanks and Remembrance.

Thanks and Remembrance. 1st-2nd August. After a day of celebrating the ones you love, the next two days and spent thanking the Raven Queen for guiding the souls of the departed to their afterlife with peace and grace, followed by remembering as much as you can about as many as you can, even saying their names is enough. This is a Pinebarrens only holiday. Celebrators tend to dress up in costumes a tradition that started as people dressing up in the work garb or signature clothing of loved ones they wanted to remember whilst also wearing a mask not just to hide their face so that the individual who is being remembered is front and centre but also in homage to the Raven Queen herself. Kids are given Apricots with spoopy faces painted in with coloured sugar water.
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