The Rose Prose in Pinebarrens | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The Rose

The Rose.   Deep, Deep, it grows in the deserts cold, Struggling for air, rebelling from what it is told, There she digs her roots most deep, Strength be found in that pale cold sand.   Young in leaf and new in petal, Soon her time to bloom be near, That first buds open and red will spill, Plucked by tradition on that pale cold sand.   Among the field of poppies deep of red, This single rose defiant it stands, A call erupts from a land most distant, Yearning for it to leave that pale cold sand.   Its mother plant no longer red as she, Bleached petals and soft rooted vines, Hurt by the endless unforgiving sun, Turned her back on that pale cold sand.   Yet her daughter rose she never did forget, A home she seeks, and a soft cared for bed, In a lavender sea this mother rose came to life, Still her heart reached to that pale cold sand.   Here she has planted her soft, delicate roots, Deep within thine own garden most green, Caring not for the rocks and clay that split my lands, A home will grow for her in that pale cold sand.   Nutrition she feeds upon my grass and moss, Stronger the rose mother becomes now, Her fragrance no longer just for my garden alone, Lifeless it becomes much as that pale cold sand.   The mother rose turns her petals from me, Thorns she grows that stick into my green paths, No stream flows out of my sorrowed pools, Joy is not here, devoid as that pale cold sand.   Her roots she takes, ripping, shredding my still green field, Nothing left to take, this verdant land now brown and bland, A home alone she wishes to make near the endless of blue, Now it is I whom feels as that pale cold sand.   Alone I sit and gaze as she flees, far away from me, Her thorn forever pressed deep within my heart, My home leaves behind her, within her feet and smile, Will I ever see my daughter from that pale cold sand.   My putrid green vines stretch as far as they can, Upon the golden light of day they run back to me, As my garden rots, my flowers wilt I realise, I am trapped here within my own pale cold sand.

Written by Thohgo for Victoria Bitters.


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