Winter’s King Forgiveness. Tradition / Ritual in Pinebarrens | World Anvil
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Winter’s King Forgiveness.

Winter’s King Forgiveness. 30th November – 4th December. During these days it is the tradition that family and friends get together and tell each other what the other has done that has hurt or upset them during the course of the year, this is done calmly and without hatred, the offending party states they are sorry and the offended accepts the apology. This is a long tradition which stems back to when Winter was a much harsher time and groups had to huddle and work together in order to get through the colder weather. This festival is dedicated to the Prince of Frost and during the more modern era where the dangers of winter are far less the children usually play in the snow and make animals out of it. It is said that if the Frost Prince is pleased then he will bless them with snow on the last day.
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