The Ullnar Ethnicity in Pinegaard | World Anvil
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The Ullnar

Travelers, adventurers, and explorers who have spent enough time in the Applescarn Mountains have likely crossed paths with people living in the mountain range. These folks are known as The Ullnar.   First appearing after Pinegaard was transported to the Fey Realm, the Ullnar is a name given to the people who either live in the Applescarn Mountains or The Below region of the mountain range.   The Ullnar is a diverse group with most of the population consisting of giant-kin, people descended from the first giants from the Prine World. The giant-kin kept to themselves until they noticed a greener sky and saw others like them living in the mountains. The groups came together to discuss the theories behind the change in the sky. It wasn't long until they noticed the trolls who emerged from the caves and The Below, the underground region of Pinegaard.   Following an initial meeting that consisted of a feast and games, the giant-kin and trolls decided to explore the mountain range and share their records of the fauna, wildlife, and anyone else they met. They came up with the name “Ullnar,” which is giant speech for Apple Children.   Over the next several months, groups of Ullnar would report sightings of bears with deer antlers, purple-skinned cats, and the occasional encounter with a fairy fey explorer. The Ullnar met these strangers with kindness, offering them apples and shelter.   One group of Ullnar, headed by the hunter Kimas Rodidottr, traveled to the midpoint of the range and found the Cora Valley settlement. Kimas was surprised at how the townsfolk developed their community and farming practices, despite being isolated. Kimas’ group and the townsfolk established a rapport and their descendants maintained communication to this day.   The Ullnar faced their share of threats throughout their existence. One famous story came when the devil known as Krypta burst from a dormant volcano with a legion of ice warriors. The devil and his army laid waste to the mountains and Ullnar settlements. Six Ullnar and a group of allies managed to defeat Krypta, sealing away the devil and his army. This tale is told to Ullnar and Cora Valley youth as a means to encourage and maintain communications between the town and mountain settlements.   The Ullnar’s population slowly grew to around 200 people throughout the Applescarn Mountains and surrounding areas. In recent years, folks from Cora Valley have joined the Ullnar via marriage or other relations. Some fey folk, though few, are also among the Ullnar.   The Ullnar settlements are small in number, but they are welcoming of drifters and lost souls.   The Ullnar hold a celebration every eighth month to commemorate the joining of the giant-kin and the trolls.

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