House Heanthugs

Heanthugs From the stars we came, to the stars we rise.   Heanthugs are a family of Engineers, Scientists, Doctors, and inventors. While some individuals break from the intellectual mold most Heanthugs are thoroughly educated in practical sciences, those that choose differently often find them selves disinherited, from here they take their knowledge abroad and seek employment, adventure, and treasure. Heanthugs can often be found aboard Maxdel treasure hunter ships who go out of their way to pick up the practically trained Heanthugs ex-nobles.   Few other houses can pride them selves on the selfless nobility of their noble officers and while many others barely mention the common spacers Heanthugs rewards commoners with positions of prestige and officer commissions at a rate much higher than other houses. The reward has been a military that is far more adaptable and motivated than others.   Paradoxically the Heanthugs Nobility often costs them diplomatically as they would refuse the many tools of diplomacy, assassination's, threats, piracy, and the like as far too cruel to ever employ. This lack of moral flexibility leads the Heanthugs down narrow paths diplomatically.   Over the last few decades Heanthugs have put extensive work into improving their industrial capacity and are up-and-coming in manufactured goods ever since the Maxdel tariffs

From the stars we came, to the stars we rise.


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