House Kowloon

Kowloon One struggle, One people, One destiny.   House Kowloon is are the Imperial appointed Administrators, adjudicators, and tax collectors. They posses privileges and rights above all other houses. At the end of the Republic era Kowloon was a republic the edge of the Core, they quickly surrendered to the Imperial fleet and were considered a highly trustworthy vassal. When the Empire and Ranet Dictatorship concluded their war the Empire chose to release Kowloon as an autonomous vassal state responsible for managing the Ranet and the soon to emerge Frontier houses.   Kowloon houses rarely maintain their own fleets instead relying on Imperial prestige to keep their vessels from harm - but where that fails there is a bustling trade in mercenaries. From large established mercenary fleets that serve long term contracts to notable families, to small outfits of swordsmen that take work from many sources.   Kowloon Diplomacy is an unbalanced setup - Kowloon as the official Chancellor of the Empire have a disproportionate power over other houses - and they've been careful to take advantage of this power without abusing it - Extracting gifts and tributes in exchange for favors.   Kowloon ships are often subject to pirates when they sail far enough abroad from their home waters - Those without a reputation to lose see a lightly armed Kowloon courier as an easy target. When such annoyances make their way to Kowloon court mandates that local houses clear these pirates and punishments for failing to protect their ships are quickly meted out.

One struggle, One people, One destiny.


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