Icktoria Ipluxo

Doctor Icktoria Ipluxo (a.k.a. Icki)

Icki Ipluxo is a surgeon from Deaths Mother - She was tried and found guilty in absentia for murder.   Icki is a 29 year old woman -- never married. Trained as a surgeon and pharmacologist in Heanthugs space - she moved out here and established her office on Deaths Mother.   Icki has a bubbly personality and abhors violence. she's willing to commit murder as long as it's painless.   She's signed aboard the Mistress of Guile and so far has been displeased by the leadership choosing violence and the injuries she's needed to tend to.   She has a great personal dislike for Quert and the feel seems mutual, she's displeased with Raye, she considers Jin a mysterious and handsome warrior. She is repulsed by Vaarg

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Icki Ipluxo is a Heanthugs doctor, she trained as a physician and pharmacist at the college on her homeworld. In her travels since leaving the school she has learned surgery and is often considered a master of her crafts. Growing up Icki had a younger brother who suffered from an incurable disease. The two were close and though he was an invalid he enjoyed hearing of all of Icki's grade school adventures. The Young boy died with Icki was a teenager - the sufferings of her sibling lead Icki to disdaining causing pain and took her to medical school.   While in medical school Icki had a falling out with her parents and was forced to pay for the last few years of college. It was here that Icki learned her other profession. Originally a boyfriend she made had mentioned that he was working as an assassin - it was from him that she learned the saviour faire of the assassins of the frontier.   As an assassin Icki refuses direct confrontations instead leaning on her medical training to incapacitate and poison her targets.


Icki is very open with her sexuality - as a youth she was always a fashionable dresser and social butteryfly attracting attention easily and her passion has only grown since then.


Icki is from a middle class family of some serious means. As such she was afforded a top-notch public education attending grade school throughout her youth and teenage years before leaving her families estates to attend college and learn medicine.


Since Icki was 20 years old she has worked as an assassin, overlapping with her time as a doctor - SHe's held residency at a few hospitalsbut most regularly functions as a traveling doctor so that she could have cover for her assassination work
Year of Birth
5286 IE 45 Years old
Light Blue
Long Blonde hair, done in fashionable styles
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skin
142 Lbs


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