Miss Melissa “Missy” Clements

Guard Melissa Clements (a.k.a. Missy)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Melissa Clements is described as both tall and strong for a woman, but not unappealing to the eye even with the roughness about her. She has black hair with olive skin.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Melissa was born to a single mother, employed as a clerk at the docks, and an unknown father. There are no records of her attending grammar school, but it is believed her literate mother taught her enough for her to achieve basic literacy. Wages are first reported to Melissa in the year 5315 as a courier, and later as a dock worker by year 5325. At no point does the census register Melissa as living on her own or separately from her mother. Sporadically we see wages attributed to either Melissa, her mother, or both for various simple writing tasks, such as poster-making or record keeping. Witnesses report that the mother-daughter relationship was close, and that the adult Melissa speaks often, and fondly, of this time of her life in regards to her relationship with her parent. Melissa enlisted with the JNS fleet in 5330.


Melissa was aboard the JNS Mistress of Guile when it fled the Thrasher system. Once the Mistress fled the Thrasher system it is reported that many crewmen fled the ship, but Melissa did not. She is reported as having taken part in both the raid of the Tsar Catherine and the Battle of Rtascur in a boarding action against the MMV Discovery, as well as the kidnapping of Kyrlous Jenet on Glacier’s Peak. By the time the Mistress appears in Ranet space, she is seen with captain Raye Jenet during almost all public outings, and seems to be serving as a personal guard of the pirate. It is currently believed she is on the Jenet Estate with local Jenet forces.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
36th day of the Month of the Hearth in the year 5305
Year of Birth
5305 IE 26 Years old
Shoulder length, Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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