Mister Airik Kilroy

Crewboss Airik Kilroy

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Airik Kilroy is described as a man of average height and above average muscularity.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Airik Kilroy is the third child of three, born to a father who owned a cafe and a dedicant at the Temple of Death. There are no records of him attending grammar school, but can be inferred from port records that Airik is literate - his dedicant mother was likely literate, and would have taught her children. By 5317 Airik enlisted on his first tour with the JNS fleet, and it is recorded that he reenlisted regularly after this, as is common amongst crew bosses.


Airik was aboard the Mistress when she fled the Thrasher system. Once the Mistress fled the Thrasher system it is reported that many crewmen fled the ship, but Airik Kilroy did not. It is believed that he is currently aboard the JNS Mistress of Guile in orbit around Tiber.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
17th day of the Month of the Forge in the year 5302
Year of Birth
5302 IE 29 Years old
Short, Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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