Mister Conner Aguilar

Crew Boss Conner Aguilar

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

ConnerĀ is described as a man both tall and wide, with tanned skin and sandy hair.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Conner was born to an unwed couple that both worked the hydrogen refineries on Moonfall. There are no records of him attending grammar school. It is believed he was illiterate and innumerate at the time of his first enlistment with the JNS in 5316, which he was pressed into as community service for a charge of public drunkenness.


Conner was arrested at the Sundering of Moonfall and remanded to a work camp. During a prison transfer the transport was set upon by the JNS Darling Dancer. After this it is believed he fell in with the JNS fleet. Early records signed by Conner show he only signed his initials - a common practice used by illiterate men - when exiting and entering the port, but more recent records show the man signing his whole name, implying that he may be preparing for a jump to the literacy required position of Crew Chief. He is currently confirmed to be aboard the JNS Mistress of Guile, in orbit around Tiber.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
40th day of the Month of the Voyager, year 5302
Year of Birth
5302 IE 29 Years old
Short, Sandy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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