Bags of Four Winds

The bags of four winds are a set of four magical bags each one that opens will release a gust of wind with a different result.  
  • Bag of the North Wind
    • A blue bag that is cool to touch
    • Creates an cold wind that will cause snow blindness and ice slowly forms on all open items 4d4 cold damage.
  • Bag of the East Wind
    • A light yellow bag that is slightly warm to the touch
    • Creates strong but gental strong wind to let the current boatmove quickly with a favorable wind.
    • Currently empty
  • Bag of the South Wind
    • A brownish bag with small lumps moving around
    • Also called the Sargasso bag, this southern bag calms the winds for 24 hours, preventing any breeze in the area.
  • Bag of the West Wind
    • A black bag that is wet
    • Creates an thunderstone creates dangerous items that cold wind that will cause snow blindness and ice slowly forms on all open items 4d4 cold damage.
  •     Once used, the bag will need to be recharged by some means


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