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Nature of magic

magic is made using the elements in the air, the main element used in the creation of magic is called mana. Mana wasn't natural or man made it was a byproduct made by the major thirteen they used it to even push there strength to greater heights letting them use colossal attacks that could destroy parts of the world. When the great war happened and the attacks where thrown at each other this caused mana to separate and seep into the surrounding landscapes. Settling its self into humanity, the world and the beasts that inhabit the planet. This completely reformed the world giving birth to children who could learn to harness this mana into a weaker form called magic. No one was able to form there magic to a pure enough level as the divine that's why there was a recreation of magic. Not all was good for the development of humanity though, the mana seeping into humanity gave way to new diseases and deformities not the mention the new predators that roamed the earth. as mana gave new life to humanity it also gave it to nature. Nature grew fangs and the forests that were once harmless became dangerous with plants that would take your lifeforce, to beasts that roamed on two legs now roamed on 4 and could somewhat harness this mana as well in a unique form. Although this power that once changed the world was inside everything one could not see it with normal eyes, it was blind to most of humanity.  

Ranks of magic

Magic can be scaled and ranked in six different forms, below is a list of the magic scale and there basic description matching the rankings. most humans have the ability to achieve rook like magic ability   Divine: Continental scale magic.   Imperial: Further enhances the scale of King-class Magic   King: Builds upon Saint-class Magic by increasing its effectiveness.   Queen: Large scale complex mana manipulation. Usually spells that affects the weather.   Bishop: Complex mana manipulation. Generally large area of effect.   Knight: Advanced mana manipulation.   Rook: Basic mana manipulation.     Rankings are general, typically according to the amount of mana necessary to cast the spell. Just cause someone uses a spell in a lower rank does not mean that it has the power of its current rank if the user is strong enough they can scale a weak spell to a higher rank.  

Forms of magic

One can use mana in anyway they see fit but they must understand the idea of their creation if one is using water magic they must be able to understand the form and the way that water moves before they can achieve a high level of magic under this field. This is why its so rare to see a magician able to cast magic in a multiple amount of elements, below is a list of common found magic that exists in the world. While there are some cases of unique magic these are quite rare and even harder to learn as they need to have a advanced understanding of not just mana but also what they are trying to create   humanity has split magic into a three part system these lists include attack magic, defense magic and summoning  

Attack magic

  Fire: Generate fire/heat   Water: Generates water and in extension, ice and steam (melded with fire magic)   Wind: Manipulates gases   Earth: Generates earth, Manipulates earth and minerals  

Defense magic

  Healing: Magic for healing injuries   Detoxification: Magic for purging poisons and disease   Divine Strike: Magic used against incorporeal monsters and demons   Protection: Magic for increasing one's defenses and create barriers (distorts mana in a finite space. Effects include nullifying magic activation and altering magic regeneration rate)  

Summoning magic

  Fiends: A class of beast that have intellect   Spirits: An intelligent being called forth to reside in an artificial body  

Unique magic

  while one can study all forms of magic it is not advised while you may be good at all trades you will be a master at none this puts you on the back foot in any type of engatment with a person who has stuided one magic to near perfection   unique magic takes part in the world these are currently the know uniqe magic used in the world   Teleport magic   Gravity Manipulation   Hypnosis   Magic Disruption   Reincarnation   Foresight

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