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Patron godess of hags and larvae

Patron godess of hags, including wretched night hags of Hades whom she rules from her filthy bonestrewn cave halfway up a vast mountain of dead black rock. Cegiule stirs a great iron cauldron within her catacombs, below a small glowing replica of a full moon which hovers in the air above it, and she feeds larval souls and the stolen magical treasures into her vessel to bring forth all manner of horror and evil.   Cegilune rules the Night Hags with an iron grip, and she sends them forth to bring larvae for her own use and for trading with tanar'ri and liches who are forced to deal with her for their own needs. Even the great Lich-Lord Mellifleur would not dare attack Cegilune, for she has soul gems with powerful magical chain contigency spells buried in secret places which are hidden from his chilling gaze, and she is vitraully indestructible with such protections. Cegilune begrudes each and every larva she trades to the infernal powers of the Abyss, but she has need of magic to sustain her own wretched being, and trade she must. She has no allies. although the evil giantish gods have had dealings with her; she has too many enemies along the sylvian pantheon, since she often preys on faerie creatures.

Divine Domains

Evil, Knowledge, Moon

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An overflowing cauldron. Favoured weapon is a quarterstaff


Cegilune is worshiped with praises and curses every night, culminating in a ceremony held under the full moon nearest the Winter Solstice (Celene is full on Midwinter Night itself, while Luna is full the week before on Sunset 18), when her worshipers compete to inflict the greatest suffering in the blood sacrifices they offer their fell patron.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Her primary purpose is always the capture of evil souls as larvae which are virtually her currency in Hades.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Once a beautiful and powerful goddess of the moon, spurned Cegilune tenaciously retains her divinity seemingly only to take revenge against the countless mortal races she believes betrayed her. Collecting larvae, the soul currency of the Lower Planes, Cegilune uses their profane magic to empower her hag servants and create new nightmarish monstrosities to infest the Material Plane. Cegilune’s symbol is an overflowing black cauldron.
Divine Classification
Patreon godess
white, no iris.
Long black, spotty. Hair constantly falling out
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rotten flesh, grey

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