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Hag Brew's

Hag's brew
    As much a part of hag mythology as cruel coveys and grotesque hag eyes are these creatures’ terrible cauldrons and the foul concoctions that bubble and writhe within. Part dark ritual, part cannibalistic feast, what screams and ferments within these grotesque pools is more than just mad alchemy, but a form of magical creation that only hags are depraved enough to exploit. The corrupt hag brews that spill forth from these crones’ cauldrons can wreak powerful magical effects, but often do so at a terrible price


Formulating a hag brew is a process much like creating a hag eye. Instead of creating such a gem, a covey that meets the proper requirements (noted with each individual brew) can produce one hag brew a month on the night of the full moon. Every hag brew requires the sacrifice of a sentient creature, a number of other grotesque ingredients, and a two hour-long ritual taking place in the hours before and after midnight. The hags creating the brew must remain within 10 feet of each other and can perform no other action for the duration of the rite. Leaving the area or being distracted from the ceremony ruins the brew, the creation of which cannot be attempted for another month. A covey also cannot use their covey-related spell-like abilities the day after creating a brew, as this magic is expended by the brew’s creation. Coveys that create a hag brew cannot create a hag eye in the same month.

Components and tools

Components differ from each brew, but they all require the sacrifice of a sentient creature, a number of other grotesque ingredients, and a two hour-long ritual


Hags in the coven, all of the hags.


On a full moon, the hour before and after midnight. It takes two hours and the hags cannot do anything else; if they are distracted from the process even for a second it will fail and they will have to wait for the next full moon. This requires all hags in a coven, all giving their full attention to the ritual.

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