Bleak Cabal

"Life doesn’t make sense". That sums up the Bleak Cabal’s philosophy, and no further elaboration is required. They do not believe that nothing is the meaning, like the Doomguard, but instead that there isn’t even any meaning in the first place.   Though their beliefs are similar, the Bleak Cabal differs from the Free League and the Xaositects in that where they revel in the chaos of the Multiverse, the Bleakers merely wish to endure it.   The closest thing to meaning is what’s inside you, and when nothing means everything and everything means nothing, the inside looks dreary and anything but sane.   Bleakers constantly struggle with their own sanity while trying to find inner purpose, most choosing to find meaning in life through charity, giving people reprieve from the mad merciless multiverse.   Surprisingly, as a consequence of their world view, the Bleakers tend towards charity and looking after the lost and forgotten.

Public Agenda

For a group with such a miserable outlook on life, the Bleakers are the most charitable faction in Sigil.   These cutters have taken it upon themselves to run an alms house for the sick and insane. Not that it’s a great place, as the Bleakers have some pretty strange ideas about treatment, but at least a sod can get a hot meal and a bed from them.


The faction is based in The Gatehouse (The Hive), the insane asylum and poor house of Sigil.


Alternative Names
'The Bleakers' or 'The Madmen'
Notable Members