The Mercykillers

Public Agenda

“The Red Death” believe in justice and retribution at the expense of all else. Their name does not come from “killing out of mercy, ”but rather “killing mercy”.   Their credo is that mercy is for the weak, and the merciful should be punished.   As far as this faction’s concerned, justice is everything, and "there ain’t no sod who can give it the laugh. Those cutters that try’ll have the Mercykillers on their tail, so the smart thing is just don’t try".   The whole reason laws exist is to see that justice is carried out. Justice purges the evil in folks and makes them better, fit to belong in the multiverse. Once everybody’s been cleansed, then the multiverse reaches perfection, and perfection’s the goal of the multiverse.


The Prison, in the Lady’s Ward, is the faction HQ and where they carry out the sentences of convicted criminals.


The Mercykillers are one of the youngest factions, formed after the Great Upheaval when two former factions, the Sons of Mercy and the Sodkillers, joined forces.   The Sons of Mercy were a knightly order dedicated to finding and closing loopholes in the law by which criminals could safely operate.   The Sodkillers were a band of elite mercenaries who would right perceived “wrongs” for a bit of jink.   Together they became the Mercykillers, those who would hunt down criminals and injustices in the pursuit of justice.


The Red Death has a job which it performs with relish: punishment.   Now, the Mercykillers’d much prefer to hunt down, try, and punish criminals themselves, but that’s not something the other factions are too keen on.   The faction is rigid in its views, and telling a Mercykiller to pike it is just not an option. Still, they’re well suited to the task of running the Prison and carrying out sentences.   After all, what happens to a criminal who’s been arrested, tried, and sentenced is only just, and who better to administer justice than the Mercykillers?

Justice is everything. When properly applied, punishment leads to perfection.

Alternative Names
The Red Death
Predecessor Organizations
Controlled Territories

Articles under The Mercykillers