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Planet Dirt

World by Layco and Connor Thomas
Planet Dirt is a modern world but with a few technologies that completly disrupt the geopolitical landscape.

  Perhaps the defining technology to the Planet Dirt is the parasol, a series of nuclar defence satalitesorbeting a group of nations, known as members of the Parasol Group. These sattilites have been tested in a nuclar exchange and sucsfuly defendied the nation of Contopia. Being members of Parasol has roomoed the consept of Mutualy assured destruction and allowed it's members, espicaly the nuclar capable members a dominant position on the world stage.

Fusion power is also in the running as the most significant descovery in Planet Dirt. Enabled by Hellyum-3 mined from Dirt's moon, fusion power allows those possesing it to have vertualy limitless clean energy. However a coalition of nationals and operations have claimed exclusive mining right of the moon.

While the most powerful nations of the Parsol, Contopia and Cookielund enjoy a domiant position on the world stage they are far from being free of internal strith. with Cookielund still recovering from a civil war and coping with the remnints of a terror group still targeting them. While Contopia seems to jump from controversy to controvesry. All whilst worring if there dominant position on the word stage can be maintained,