Corvus Glaive Character in Planet Noj | World Anvil

Corvus Glaive

Powers and Abilities

  Corvus Glaive's weapon is capable of slicing through a car with ease. His ability to deflect projectiles with his weapon suggests enhanced reflects, though it's possible this is simply the result of intense training.   Corvus was also seen to have a healing factor that allows him to regenerate hit points while in contact with his weapon.    


  Corvus Glaive was first encountered at the home of Senator Meredith Lee, better known as New Wave superhero Geomancer. Corvus, as well as his partner Proxima Midnight, were attempting to kidnap the Senator; but were defeated by her two sons and their peculiar new friends.   The kidnapping attempt was part of a coordinated assault, with her partners making a similar kidnapping attempt against Dinah Alcott at the exact same time.   Corvus and Proxima's defeat was largely the result of a terrible blunder by Corvus, who attempted to poison Geomancer by soaking the ground she was merged with in gasoline. He never got a chance to see his plan come to fruition though, because the gasoline made it all too easy for Johnny Fire to blow them up.   After being knocked unconscious, Proxima was frozen by Bobby Ice and locked in the trunk of the borrowed PRT intern car. Corvus was frozen and tied to the top of the car like a Christmas tree.  


  Corvus Glaive appears to be part of the group attempting to kidnap the most powerful capes in each of the twelve categories. If Prophet's message is to be believed, the groups success would mean 60% of parahumans being wiped out in 1only 0 days. The leader of this group calls himself Infinity.
Current Location


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