Mover - Legend


  Legend is a founding member of the Triumvirate - the most powerful and esteemed parahuman team in the United States. Selfless, patriotic and courageous; Legend embodies the classic superhero ideal.  


  Legend is considered one of the most powerful parahumans in North America. His powers are summarized as "flying artillery": he can fly, project lasers from anywhere on his body, and endure attacks that would incapacitate most capes.   All of his ancillary powers stem from his lasers; which can turn corners, fork into multiple lasers, pass through walls, and freeze and/or ignite his targets.   While most people think of his power as "shooting lasers", it's more accurate to say that Legend becomes a laser; which can extend in all directions with perfect precision. While in this transformed state, Legend is theoretically capable of traveling at the speed of light. However, traveling at such a speed is impossible to do safely, so Legend is limited to speeds low enough that his brain can register and react to incoming obstacles such as airplanes.  

Chance of Cooperation



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