The Unwritten Rules Tradition / Ritual in Planet Noj | World Anvil

The Unwritten Rules


  After the brief period in the 1980's when parahumans were outlawed and hunted down by the government, almost all capes understand the importance of society continuing to tolerate them; and most of them still remember how fragile that is.   Accordingly, cape society as a whole has agreed to adopt a set of general rules (carefully negotiated by the PRT) that allows their way of life to perpetuate itself. As long as they remain within these boundaries, they know society will continue to tolerate them and they can keep playing cops and robbers.   But when those rules are broken, people start to panic. People have grown used to the idea that the bank they are visiting might get robbed by a super-villain; but society could not function if everyone was always worrying that a super villain might blow up their kids school.   The cape that breaks those rules is a threat to the parahuman way of life; and other capes, even villains, will take action against any violators. Even villains can expect to turn in a rulebreaker at a heroes headquarters and walk away unmolested.  

The Rules

  • No sexual violence of any kind.
  • Violence toward innocents is kept to a minimum. Avoid causing permanent injury.
  • Try to keep fights non-lethal. Many heroes often look the other way regarding villain-on-villain violence, but high body counts are a threat to the status quo.
In addition to the above three rules, there is an additional set of rules that functions as a sort of "code of honor" among capes; and it is extremely rare for even the most vile villain to break them.  
  • Never act against another cape in any way during a Time of Truce*.
  • Civilian identities and relations are off limits. Exposing one capes private life is a threat to all capes private lives.
  • While attending a meeting or parlay that you were invited to, the rules for Time of Truce apply. It is acceptable to attack your enemies during their own meetings. however;. But no Red Weddings


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