Thinker - Dinah Alcott Character in Planet Noj | World Anvil

Thinker - Dinah Alcott


  Dinah Alcott is a speculative precog - a parahuman with the ability to see into the future. Specifically, she can predict the likelihood of any event or scenario she is asked about- down to the percentile.   While not the only parahuman who can see the future, Dinah is leagues ahead of the others in both accuracy and length of time she can see ahead. But like most of the best powers, Dinah's ability has rigid limits and substantial drawbacks.   The most notable of these is that her power can only safely be used once a day, additional uses result in consequences ranging from severe migraines to anaphylactic shock. The risk of injury is minor at first, but increases exponentially with every use beyond her limit.   The second limit to Dinah's power is the specificity required to make effective use of it. Because looking into the future requires so much effort, Dinah cannot answer open-ended questions such as "how can an Endbringer be killed". The sheer amount of information she has to sift through restricts her to predicting success or failure of very specific scenarios.   The final limit is that her accuracy is greatly hindered by two types of beings: other precogs and Endbringers.  


  Dinah is a civilian who lives with her parents in Brockton Bay. It is highly speculated that her families vast wealth is the result of Dinah using her power to predict the stock market. She is also suspected of offering aid and comfort to known villains in exchange for payment.   Because her value as a consultant to the PRT cannot be overstated, all of these concerns are largely ignored.  

Chance of Cooperation

  Moderate, but easy to overpower.
Current Location


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