Kataro Silsikh Character in Planet Sofitria | World Anvil
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Kataro Silsikh

Kataro Silsikh (a.k.a. Mr. S)

Kataro Silsikh is a somewhat nomadic Couati who happens to be traveling to Temple City, Venari to explore the fishing industry and the exotic market as well as to establish bros skills as a traveling merchant.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kataro is a healthy person.

Body Features

Mr. S has the body of a serpent and avian wings.

Facial Features

Kataro has the face of a serpent.

Identifying Characteristics

Golden scales and wing tips with a blue/grey underbelly and wing tops.

Special abilities

Mr. S has waterbending capabilites and focuses on the circle of blood.

Apparel & Accessories

Kataro wears the top of a kimono with red fabric and a golden trim.

Specialized Equipment

Mr. S plays a lyre.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kataro was born on the Gricedenia Island of the Maconia Brotherhood in the town of Oakenwvault. Oakenwvault is a town of 8,267 persons and has weather (similar to Batumi, Earth) of 57°F and is 52ft above sea level. Kataro has been nomadic for most of his adulthood and has explored the majority of the Masonia Brootherood mainlands. It is unknown if Mr. S has siblings, but his parents are still living in Oakenwvault.


Kataro recieved a normal childhood education at the Oakenwvault public school. Furthur education attained has been feild experience and mentorships, not formal education beyond chldhood.


Kataro has never been employeed by an institution, but has been taken care of by bros mentors and has survived on minimal funds due to bros survival abilities and living off the land. When Kataro is in need of funds, bro typically barters. Now, Mr. S wishes to expand bros coffers with a traveling merchant's income where bro provides goods and services in exchange for liquid funds.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Mr. S is proficient in herbalism because of bros time spent working with herbalist in the Masonia mainlands.

Failures & Embarrassments

Mr. S is shy and typically warms up to people upon learning of their inner character.

Personality Characteristics


Kataro is motivated by love, music, and companionship.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

| Animal Handeling | Nature | Performance | Survival |

Likes & Dislikes

Fishing, water, music.

Virtues & Personality perks

Love is within and without.

Vices & Personality flaws

Curiosity gets the best of Mr. S.

Personality Quirks

Kataro is comfortable outside than inside.


Mr. S stays clean.


Family Ties

Kataro loves his family but is away from home often.

Religious Views

Kataro is agnostic currently.

Hobbies & Pets


Wealth & Financial state

Kataro is not wealthy, but has funds.

Character Information

COUATI [Neutral Good]
Waterbender - Circle of Blood
Ticklebelly Nomad
Neutral Good
Current Status
Traveling as a Merchant
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
17th of Pentimus
Year of Birth
6668 PE/ASE 31 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Love Between Parents
Current Residence
Yellow Snake Eyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Golden Scales
6ft 7in
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
| Common | Celestial | Avian |

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