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Crimson Death

When the Xochai (pronounced SHO-kai [kai, like the real-world name]) came to Earth, they brought with them illnesses new to Earth's populations. The worst one being the Crimson Death, sometimes called Crimson Fever, Scarlet Death, or Scarlet Fever. The virus quickly spread amongst the Earth's population, desecrating entire cities, countries, and ecosystems on a global scale as humans and animals alike fell fatally ill.

Transmission & Vectors

Crimson Fever is transmitted via blood and the air. It may also be transmitted through contaminated water, scratches or bites, and food made by infected meat, animal products, or that which has come in contact with the bodily fluids (blood, saliva, mucus) of an infected. Though much rarer than any of the other forms of transmission stated, it is believed that individuals caring for the sick may catch the virus via the infected's sweat. This particular method of transportation has not been completely proven and may simple be a myth created in the panic of the outbreak.


Symptoms include: Vomiting, high fever, bloody vomit, bloody noses, blood coming from the ears, pallor, fatigue, tremors, muscle weakness, being bedridden, coughing, coughing fits, blood coming up from coughing, tickle in back of throat, raw throat, vomiting up the lining of the stomach, loss of appetite, ease of bruising, scarlet red markings similar to that of scratches appearing on the body, distinct scarlet red eye bags, large yellow pus-filled bumps about 1 1/2 to 2 inches in diameter surrounded by scarlet red, extreme weakness, delirium, and much, much more.


There is no known cure. Caretakers can only hope to alleviate symptoms and give affected individuals an easier transition into death. Cold towel on forehead, small sips of water, easily digestible foods, lots of rest, time spent with loved ones. The best treatment of all though is ending their misery before their health deteriorates too much, while the infected is still theirself.


Very, very few manage to survive the Crimson Plague. (Fill in more later)

Hosts & Carriers

When occuring in wild life, the Crimson Plague is most often refered to as Walking Zombie Disease, or WZD. The illness affects them somewhat differently than it does humans; however, it is just as deadly. Animals experience: (fill in later)
Chronic, Acquired

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Aug 30, 2024 14:54

Very nice and informative