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The Lost Records of Antivary


To extensively document the historical and present-day events, knowledge, and culture in Antivary and [Rielle's homeland] at the time of its creation for future generations to look back on and learn from.

Document Structure


The chronicles first start by briefly summarizing the histories of both countries, then (finish filling in later)


The Antivary Records make reference to several events - some of which have been documented in other sources, others not.

Publication Status

These records were made by Antivaran scholars in collaboration with Rielle for the empire's private annals, and are not accessible to the public.

Legal status

The records have been legitimized by the Antivary royal record keeper, the Antivaran emperor himself, and Rielle, the only writer of the records presently living.

Historical Details


These records were writen by former princess, Rielle, and several Antivaran scholars working under the Antivaran emperor. This was one of the first and only pieces made between [Rielle's Homeland] and Antivary, marking their newly formed, and relatively short lived, alliance. Prior to this, the people of [Rielle's Homeland] and Antivary had known of each other but never formally interacted.


Due to the records' extensive documentation of historical and cultural events in both Antivary and Rielle's homeland at the time of and prior to its writing, the records, once rediscovered with the help of Rielle, were hailed as a historical national treasure. Their rediscovery shed more light on many long-forgotten events in the history of both countries, confirmed hundreds of historical accounts and theories, and rekindled much interest in finding more historical records and artifacts, preserving them, documenting and preserving current knowledge, and (...). Antivary also renewed their alliance and activity with [Rielle's homeland] following this. On a more personal level, (affect on current part of the timeline/Rielle's life; finish writing later)
Record, Historical
Authoring Date
Believed date of creation lay between 415 and 432.

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