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Flairen's are a dangerous combonation of the Panthera onca augusta (Pleistocene jaquar,) deathstalker (leiurus quinquestriatus,) Tardigrades (Tardigrada,) and the snowy albatross, (Diomedea exulans) to create a special super-alien from the planet Xsmere. Created by the science lab in 1832 before escaping from their labratories and fled to the nearby planet known as Jon, but while some stayed in the warmer climates, most travelled to Xsmere to continue the next generation. Though there very intelligent brains are a mystery, so is their chaotic instinct and need for power, though some can be tamed by Earth, such as Flair or Vold (Aciennt Vlod) who adopted by Germans as a spy creature, and was even used in WW2.

Basic Information


A four legged mammal, usually covered in a thick layer of fur, long and bushy near the neck and tail. With long, pointed ears with frills attached to behind each ear, works like a dilophosaurus's frills or a frilled dragon (Chlamydosaurus kingii,) where the frills open forwards in communication with one another; usually to show distress or aggravation. They follow the appearance of a jaquar, but with massive, feathery wings behind them and a strong, long tail that is both flexible and dense, they have a long, needle-like aculeus used to inject their prey with dangerous venom. They have a strong immunity to the most common toxins and adaptations to Benzodiazepines and even neuromuscular toxin. Though they are fast, they cannot swim well, if not at all, with smaller, delicate paws and a heavier front part of their body, it is easy to accidently drown themself. They have large teeth from the jaquar gene, but there is a strange top lip deformity, causing a beak-like shield of the gums of the upper layer of teeth, flat, but when the mouth opens, it opens out like fangs of the water deer. It's used to protect the teeth when biting into something hard or sharp such as scales, where they can easily rip them from earless monitor lizard and some fish breeds. Around five/four feet, the Flairen has the wing span at least three times their actual size as well as their weight, Flair has a twenty foot wingspan, while her smaller brother, Ajax, had a seventeen foot point five wingspan. Their average length of the tail is half of the length of their entire body, commonly, they are five or six feet long, with a two or three foot tail behind them.

Genetics and Reproduction

The intimate bond between two Flairens, (sire and dam,) and is starting with a mating dance between two Flairen's who know of one another well, usually with their tails caressing one another's side, purring and nuzzling of the neck and legs. Cub litters are common in two to eight, very rare for a single, Marsh was orginally in a litter of two, but ate their sibling which in the gestation period. Some, more desperate males will go searching into claimed territory to rape or try and start and relationship really quick and intimate to lure other desperate females, and the fluffier the females, the prettier in a sire's eyes. Genetically speaking, it is more common for a young sire to resemble the father than the mother, the same follows for the young dam, but most commonly, the personality is either opposite or combined, which can be seen in Seaside and Marsh, both resembling the father while having the mother/grandmother's personality.

Growth Rate & Stages

When a cub is born, they are weak and sensitive, a ball of fluff, but do not attempt to take or examine the child further after discovering them, call a S-A-S member (Special alien specialist) or alien enthusist, to do attempt to touch them and stay clear of the nest, commonly the dam is nearby and will attack on sight. When a cub becomes a child, they are called a Tyro, or mentee, when a dominant sire takes the child under their wing and begins training them about everyday life, and will take them on hunting trips and border examinations, but that is more rare. There fur shortens and becomes denser, it is easier to knot in this time and needs proper care and clean in local rivers and lakes. A tyro grows to a fully fledged adult when they are 2000 after-moons, (306 days an after-moon,) so in 612000 days of being born, they become an adult, when they follow the role of the clowder/flock as intended.

Ecology and Habitats

They find themself adaptive and completely used to the freezing tempatures of Xsmere, where the hottest season never goes above fifty. They orignally travelled from Xsmere to Finland, to Norway, traveling past Russia and grew a higher population in Greenland, finding themself comfortable in the space between canadaand Greenland definietly. Being a dangerous carnivore, they never hunt anything past their knees (around two feet.) So deer, elk, reindeer, bison, cows and some breeds of sheep and birds. They never hunt fish, but on rare occassions that they do, the knee-high rule is broken, commonly eating smaller sharks, salmon, pike and sea snakes. Transfering from place-to-place frequently, usually after prey falls shorter or when colder places warm up in the summer. This shift can help with animal population levels, as when they notice specific prey running short, they begin to lower the amount they hunt of until late spring and early summer, they also decide to leave depending on the level of grass, commonly enjoying tall grass, and if their feces are killing up the land, or landing on trees constantly to be damaging them, they end up leaving to a more thriving place, which can take months of searching. The longest tracked search as two years and three weeks. When a Flairen they named "Marco," split from his team to find a mate, later being shot down by local hunters.

Dietary Needs and Habits

This predatory carnivore is known for swift hunting sessions and high intelligence for any situation including battles and finding places for their food. Hunting in groups of two to four, but more commonly they hunt alone. With large diets call for gathering multiple stocks of prey in a day, at least two hunting trips, more if unsuccessful trips continue, five hunting attempts could follow, but if more follow, and prey is both difficult and scarce, they will leave in attempt to find more. They need 1.8 to 2.0 kg daily, which means two Flairen's can easily eat a single dear (doe,) in a day, and a cub's diet is almost half of the adults, 2 to 10 kg a day. They dig holes in the ground and fill it was access food, then covers the top with a large rock, and sticks. Though they are able to harvest berries and fruit for food, it is only if they are sick or desperate for food. Memorized fruits from Xsmere have different uses for Flairen's, and even have there own names resembling there uses and appearance. But they rarely touch Earthling fruits and berrys for no reason, but like Flair, if recommended, they might try it out.

Biological Cycle

They tend to impregnant dam's the most in the season of Yold, which is practically late spring on earth, when the chill fades into warmth. Then they give birth around the dark month, which is winter in the Earthly months. They are born and raised in the same spot, but mid childhood, they are usually forced to move to new lands, some don't survive, but that's just the way of life. Afterwards, they are properly trained to hunt and memorize the land as an almost-forever home. During the harsh cold tempatures of winter, the heat of the summer rolls in right before moving, and is now bright and strong, most Flairen's shed their dense coats into clumps, and will even gather multiple clumps as nest material for the upcoming winter. They dig tunnels and holes to keep cool, and tend to rest in shallow waters of still rivers and small lakes. Their winter coat grows in, longer and softer that grows in the fall, but in Xsmere, it is a month called Midchill, when the common tempature is around 48 F.


The predatory nature of this monster is a mix of loyalty and brutality, most young Flairen's are placed under immense stress and desire for power, and that's why it is more likely for Flairen's to get a Myriad Epinephrine rupture also known as the (Inner MER.) They communicate using body language as well as chirps and growls, but to Flairens, it is there own language, using tail and wing movements combined with there speach can make any different translations, and in stories, they usually are long and specific, making explanations of the character's with their own interpritation of what movements and speech direction. Some assumed they have human DNA because of their brilliance, but nothing was drived from the homo genus, not even pongo or pan in any instance. So there brains are something smarter than the humans, some assume that it's brilliance drived from the fourth dimenstional beings to help the almost extinct speices survive in the older times.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Like most felines, the Flairen can sense atmospheric changes, as well as "smell" them, but strange enough, it ends at the ability to sense earthquakes, like most housecats. With an ability lost, one grew, Splash called it "Instinctive nature," when they can sense something bad about to happen to themself or someone/something nearby, giving them the need to squirm or leave, almost like anxiety. Around seventy three percent of these instinctive feelings are correct when sensing danger, and doing things like covering the ears and eyes of the Flairen, will make them loose the nature to move and escape, like a happy hood when at the vet. Like in the 1989 test with Copper Levine, studies have shown when someone is placed under extreme stress and horror for such a long period, it can cause adrenaline to split, it's called "the Myriad Epinephrine rupture," which will end up having the epinephrine morph together like water droplets, but in a different shape called "element powder," which is now microscopic. This is called "element sydrome," and is very rare with injection of element itself, such as the incident with Mrs. Vira. But the ability of this happening, is way higher in Flairen's, and most likely, the element will create supernatural abilities such as extreme adaptation, higher immunity, stronger skin, high intelligence and sharper vision.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

If it is named formed by the create ansestors, or even shorter versions of themself such as Nola for Nolagom and Ver for Verlore. These names are random, yet, they fit them so well, at least for Flairen's; with that said, gender specific names aren't aparent, females can be named Ajax, and males can be named Blossom with no problem or complication. Some Flairen's are named after Earthly things, such as apple, oak and even Frog or Doe, most Flairen's also have nicknames, like Flair was Scar and Splash was Fury, it's almost a last name, and when introducing themself, it goes like, "Evening, I am Dawn (actual name,) AND Rue (nickname) of Forestfire (the place they were born at.)" And so on so forth.

Major Organizations

Flocks are created to keep the line between "Wild" and "Tame" in place. The tame knowing their boundries, calmer and are good at keeping their mind in the right place, which are those in flocks usually, with some cases like Nolagom and even Harpy where they are more wild than the rest, being easily aggravated and quick to assume. The wild are the outsiders, those hwho call themself the loners and the ongoers of everyday Flairen life, some are found in small groups known as Prowls (which orignated from small jaquar groups on Earth.) While some wild Flairen's are calm and have good motives, like Mudslide, there are always the bad ones too, and Flock leaders and soldiers tend to only look at the rare negative then the positive side. The larger flocks are known to have a prefix and suffix. And the main flock's in the south are Forestfire of the Xen-flare, Tsunamibay of the Brigate ocean and Floodhills of the Loafbaon. The north is more hilly and cold, where the Cavekeepers of the colossal mountians, Frozenforest of the tundra concaves and the Roguesalute of the massive bushland.

Beauty Ideals

Most "feminine" traits are what attract the sires, which is A darker pelt, bright and large eyes as well as Long, wavy fur. Most dam's when looking for a mate, will decorate themself in flowers and pretty rocks to seperate themself from the ones who already have a mate,


Historically speaking, the Flairen's orignated as said in the top description, "Created by the science lab in 1832 being escaping from their labratories." Though they fled to Jon orignally, most left the hotter climates to the cooler, Xsmere, where Flair and Nologom originated. The orignal leader of the Xsmereians transportation was a sire known as Vold, who would later be exiled from the planet by the uprising of a queen known as Jaxen, who later retired her job and gave it to her only living son, Splash, the father of Flair, Ajax, Flinger and Fable with his mate Magic. Vold eventually came back to Exmere when Splash's family was young, at least a hundred after-moons, which would be 20600 days in Xsmere. Vold attempted to reason with the new king, sharing the great news on how he created an alliance with the humans, but was slain by Magic's aunt (Star) for betraying the rules placed to not mess with the humans. Flair later goes on to break the law secretly and attempt to find out what Star and Jaxen tried hiding for so long.
Scientific Name
Panthera exulans
Ancient planet Xsmere, realm of the ominous and an alternative of the Earth.
Conservation Status
The Flairen species is in no circumstance, "protected," but with such a dangerous creature like the Flairen, precautions are taken to avoid getting attacked, though they are likely alone, their massive wingspan and strong tail are enough to make any smart creature leave.
Geographic Distribution
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Aug 7, 2024 18:28 by Marc Zipper

This is an amazing interesting species you did a lot of great detail amazing.

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin