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A Murh is the appointed leader of a city or settlement within Yimo Xa Ku - The Empire of Order. The role of a Murh is one of great responsibility and privilege, encompassing a wide range of duties to ensure the well-being and prosperity of their domain.

A Murh serves as the chief authority in their city or settlement, acting as the representative of the Empress and upholding the laws and principles of the Empire of Order. The title "Murh" is derived from ancient traditions, symbolizing leadership, stewardship, and unwavering loyalty to the Empire.

The position of a Murh is a cornerstone of the Empire of Order, blending governance, military leadership, and economic management. Murhs play a crucial role in maintaining the stability and prosperity of their cities, directly contributing to the overall strength and order of the Empire. Through their dedication and leadership, they help to uphold the values of the Empire and ensure the well-being of its citizens.


In major cities, the Empress personally selects the Murh. Typically, this position is passed down through familial lines, with the successor being a direct descendant of the previous Murh. However, the Empress has the discretion to appoint a new leader if she deems it necessary.
In smaller towns and villages, the appointment of a Murh may be influenced by local councils or prominent families, but the final approval always lies with the Empress.


The Murh's duties are extensive and critical to the functioning of their city. These responsibilities include:   Day-to-Day Maintenance:
  • Overseeing public services such as sanitation, infrastructure maintenance, and local governance.
  • Ensuring the smooth operation of markets, trade, and economic activities.
  • Maintaining a local militia or city guard to protect against external threats and maintain internal order.
  • Fortifying city defenses and ensuring readiness for any potential conflicts.
Tax Collection:
  • Collecting taxes from residents and businesses within their domain.
  • Ensuring accurate and timely payments to the Empire as determined by the Empress and her financial advisor.
Strategic Planning:
  • Developing long-term plans for the growth and development of the city.
  • Implementing policies that align with the Empire's principles of order and prosperity.
Military Support:  
  • Supplying the Empire with warriors and troops when called upon.
  • Training and maintaining a capable fighting force within the city.
  •   Promotion of Order:
    • Upholding and promoting the beliefs and practices of the Order.
    • Organizing public ceremonies and events that reinforce the Empire’s values.


    Being a Murh comes with significant benefits and privileges, including:   Economic Share:  
    • The Murh takes a portion of the taxes collected within their city, providing them with substantial personal wealth.
    • Access to city resources and the ability to invest in local enterprises.
    Political Influence:  
    • Murhs of the largest cities are part of the Empress’s board of advisors, contributing to imperial policies and decisions.
    • Influence over regional politics and the ability to shape the future of their city.
    Social Status:
    • High social standing and respect within the community.
    • The ability to forge alliances with other influential families and leaders.
    • The opportunity to establish a lasting legacy through public works, cultural patronage, and strategic initiatives.
    • The chance to pass on the title and responsibilities to their descendants, continuing the family’s prominence.


    Despite the many benefits, the role of a Murh is fraught with challenges:   Balancing Interests:
    • Managing the needs and expectations of the populace while meeting the demands of the Empire.
    • Navigating local politics and potential conflicts with other influential figures or factions.
    Maintaining Order:
    • Ensuring that the city remains safe and orderly, especially in times of unrest or external threats.
    • Dealing with crime, corruption, and other disruptions to public order.
    Economic Management:
    • Effectively managing city finances and resources to ensure sustainable growth and prosperity.
    • Addressing economic challenges such as trade disruptions, resource shortages, or economic downturns.
    Form of Address
    Source of Authority
    The Empress
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