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The Changeling - Kristella

As you meticulously sift through the troves of documents left by the Pukuri family, a weathered tome titled "The Changeling" emerges from the stack. Its pages unfold to reveal a mesmerizing tale of Paru, a God of Change, twisted by the dark influence of Oreio. The narrative speaks of artifacts collected by Paru's followers, tools to either enact the god's dark desires or sow further discord by corrupting them. Intriguingly, as you reach the last pages of the aged book, your discerning eyes catch a set of scrawled notes on the inside of the back cover. The distinctive handwriting belongs to Porang, the ousted Ariki of Whare Moana. His notes reveal that Pukuri scouts had stumbled upon the temple of Paru. Descriptions of strange occurrences and mutations in the surrounding flora piqued their interest, prompting them to recommend further investigation.   Fueled by a thirst for understanding and the allure of potential artifacts, you share your findings with the family. Excitement fills the room as your father, Kaita, and siblings contemplate the implications. A strategic decision is made to inform General Whanuï, and the response arrives swiftly in the form of an emissary with a familiar face—Salendir. His message is clear: the temple demands attention, and he is there to provide support. However, secrecy is paramount, and only you and your sister Zylnala Tapiha are chosen to accompany the enigmatic figure on this clandestine quest.   Unbeknownst to the others, during your subsequent research, you deduce that if there are probably artifacts in the temple, there should be a powerful magical sword and a magical gem—potent tools of change and corruption. Especialy the gem peaks your interest, it is rumoured the gem will bestow luck and prosperity on its owner. This knowledge, however, you keep closely guarded, realizing that you alone possess the specifics that could shape the destiny of your family and Whare Moana.


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