BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The Changeling - Salendir

As always, when you step into the room, a purposeful aura surrounds you, echoing with duty and resolve. The message you carry is unequivocal—the concealed temple dedicated to Paru demands our attention, and a delicate touch is required. As Kristella eagerly unravels her findings, you stand with a stoic expression, meticulously absorbing every nuance with your keen eyes.   In the ensuing quietude, you acknowledge the strategic choice made by the Tapiha family to inform Whanuï. Your loyalty to the General and his grand design propels your commitment to swiftly and discreetly resolve matters. Yet, beneath your composed exterior lies an additional layer—a direct order to retrieve any artifact which may be discovered within the temple for Whanuï.   In Whanuï's eyes, the artifacts which may lay in the temple transcend mere curiosities; they are potential sources of power and influence, instruments to further Whanuï's objectives. As Kristella's narrative unfolds, your thoughts crystallize around the imperative nature of securing these items. Your allegiance to Whanuï remains unwavering, and the prospect of such artifacts falling into the enemies hands, or worse, remaining untapped, is inconceivable.   You envision the temple as a realm of possibilities, where each artifact becomes a tool to bolster Whanuï's might. Your commitment to retrieving them is resolute, you don't take orders lightly, and especially not when they come directly from the general himself.


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