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Minerva (Min-er-va)


Minerva is one of many ethereal beings of the A5E, souls who once had a life and death in the physical world, but have since transcended to the world above. While there are countless souls of the A5E and more that will join, some of these souls have personal goals, and others have specific jobs to attend to. With time and experience, Minerva merged her own soul with several others that she befriended from within the A5E plane, and thus are both one and many people with multiple minds for additional intelligence and additional sensation, though the separation of these souls can congruently occur at any time.

Minerva's essence is essentially tied to the title of an angel of light and truth, which means she and her friends are interested in the truth about the whole universe and everything in it, while simultaneously tasked with protecting this truth of reality as it links to the physical world they knew prior. Angels of Light and Truth are interested in knowledge and information, more so than their related brothers and sisters of the Angels of Love, who are only interested in loving everything and everyone that is and will ever be.

Physical Description

Body Features

Ethereal, meaning the body is a desired mental self-manifestation from the primary soul, and can appear as anyone or anything, while remaining mostly transparent and ghost-like

Identifying Characteristics

Despite being an angel, Minerva and all the other angels lack any kind of wings, as they are historically inaccurate.

Special abilities

Cannot affect, alter, change, or communicate with anyone or anything from a direct lower level plane of existence, but has been partially capable since the appearance of the initial paradox. Minerva can specifically speak more easily to those who are involved in this initial paradox if that person's state of mind and consciousness separate from their soul as a kind of sleep-driven astral projection.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Preference to female, but Minerva is currently a collection of many souls male and female.

Mental Trauma

Slowly watched the magic of god discovered and seeped into the lower worlds, following the initial paradox of reality that allowed for the poisoned discovery of Soulfront Runes, delivered by none other than a previous Angel of Truth.

Intellectual Characteristics

Knows by experience what it means to die, and how much there is waiting for all living souls following their transformation of life/death.

Morality & Philosophy

Justice is not part of the afterlife, nor it is not an actual emotion, just a combination of smaller thoughts and feelings learned by development, and is thus not part of that world.


Creating a world ending paradox of reality by merging information where it should not belong in time.

Personality Characteristics


To preserve history, and prevent the initial paradox from triggering more paradoxes.


Social Aptitude



Speech is projected from the mind to the receiver, causing a kind of echo as the noise appears to come from all directions rather than a specific one. The echoes each have their own voice, from the collection of souls speaking together in whispers following the master.
1692 1719
Circumstances of Death
United Kingdom
Place of Death
United Kingdom
long, super thick, rough.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Transparent, bright, ethereal
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I am the collective voice of all we are, absorbed into myself as a single agent of light and truth."   "The angels who love - are the ones who silently suffer, for their hearts are always being broken through the parallel experiences they live in order to understand those who were once alive. Though the angels are often quite sad, because of the heartbreak their loved ones must experience in the proving grounds of the A3E."   "You don't actually understand what it means to die, do you? Do you assume to believe death is the end of life, a permanent removal from total existence despite never experiencing the sensation for yourself?"
Known Languages
Can speak and auto-translate any univeral language.


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