BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The Forgotten Children ~ Empyrean {Story}

Written by Lysander_works

This is the nineteenth and final book of the Leray Series. The Photon Blast that destroyed the airship behind enemy lines has slain the pilot and nearly killed Jane, but her story is not at its end. Polarium Rebels are soon to move in and capture Jane, but there is another problem in Polarium that needs to be solved. Born from a paradox in knowledge itself, Jane contains thoughts and memories of the forgotten children, long passed and wiped from the mines who used to know them. The sin of translating magical power into this world was a mistake that could never be fixed, but existance of the sacred soulfront runes threatens the foundation of reality, because they contain fragment memory and information that transcends time, hence why they are forbidden. Jane only worries about the state of her allies, who are now in great danger with their secrets out. Minerva's concerns are only placed on resolving the origional paradox that threatens this world's future. With knowledge of the ethereal plane, Jane feels more comfortable about the threat of her own possible demise, but it doesn't settle the horrible tragedies that happened on her watch. If this were not bad enough, the Lunastasis rune that has helped he become so powerful will now be uninstalled.

Details: Whether her experiences to the great beyond are illusions or reality, Jane must make difficult choices and face the guilt of her actions. People have died and families have been lost, all because of something she took part in. The war is becoming fierce, and evidence of the magical offender comes to light. Jane realizes that the LMA should have never stuck their business into Polarium.

Captured by the Polarium Rebels, Jane tries to figure out how she can reunite and save her endangered team while they are on the side of Terracom. Unraveling the mysteries of the paradox and the forgotten children are more difficult, since the angel has left Jane on her own, without any friends or her magical mark to break her out of the situation.

In her darkest moments, Jane discovers new allies, the people of Polarium who fight for their right to live, and fight for the privilege of responsible magical usage. Their soldiers make sacrifices like nothing Jane has ever imagined before. Now, they want to make a deadly final push to the enemy headquarters with no tactical hope of survival.

The universe and existence itself is far greater than any can imagine. In anyone's current reality, that world is still important; it's worth protecting because of the people we love all being here, in life or in death. Breaking the boundaries of reality is the only way Jane's team can win; it's the only way magic can prevail as it was meant to.

Book Number: 19/19
Physical Print Book (Colorless):

Copyright Notice: All material of the Leray Series is by the author of Dylan Frendo and is subject to copyright laws and protections unless where stated in copyright exceptions. Lysander_works is simply the username in which I operate when using World Anvil.