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The Faith of the Green Lands; Deities worshipped by the elves of Polnarus

Corellon Larethian, Creator of the Elves, Preserver of Life, Ruler of All Elves (CG) - god of joy and magic
Kweeva Springgrass Lady of the Green, The Mother of Mercy (CG) - goddess of peace and mercy
Deep Sashelas, Lord of the Undersea, The Dolphin Prince, The Knowledgeable One (CG) - god of creativity, knowledge, and the sea
Elebrin Liothiel The Celestial Gardener, Lord of Abundance (CG) - god of abundance, gardens, and the harvest
Erevan Ilesere, The Trickster, The Green Changeling, The Fey Jester (CN) - god of mischief and change
Hanali Celanil, The Heart of Gold, Winsome Rose, Lady Goldheart (CG) - goddess of art and beauty
Labelas Enoreth, The Lifegiver, Lord of the Continuum, The Sage at Sunset (CG) - god of time, history, and memory
Rillifane Rallathil The Leaflord, The Great Oak, The Many-Branched (CG) - god of nature, beasts, and the seasons
Sehanine Moonbow Our Lady of Silver, The Moonmaiden, The Night White Lady (CG) - goddess of the moon, love, and motherhood
Solonor Thelandria Keen-Eye, The Great Archer, The Forest Hunter (CG) - god of archery, hunting, and survival
Religious, Pantheon

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