Elina's Riselle Academy Schedules

Seven-Year Fall (447/10/1-448/2/31)
MA0701 - Introduction to Magic7+
AC0701 - Survey of the Arts6-
CM0701 - Intro to the Poneren Language7
HI0701 - Overview of Poneren History7-
SC0701 - Poneren Society5+
Seven-Year Spring (448/3/1-448/7/30)
MA0702 - Introductory Magic II
AC0702 - Survey of the Arts II
CM0702 - Intro to the Poneren Language II
HI0711 - History of Magic Overview
SC0711 - Introductory Tivelean Society
448 Summer (448/8/1 - 448/9/30)
Eight-Year Fall (448/10/1 - 449/2/31)
MA0822 - Magic Theory I - Advanced
AC0841 - Introduction to Fashion
CM0803 - Reading/Writing III - Accelerated
HI0821 - History of Tiveley Overview
SC0821 - Introductory Emswort Society
Eight-Year Spring (449/3/1 - 449/7/30)
449 Summer (449/8/1 - 449/9/30)
Nine-Year Fall (449/10/1 - 450/2/31)
Nine-Year Spring (450/3/1 - 450/7/30)
449 Summer (449/8/1 - 449/9/30)
Nine-Year Fall (449/10/1 - 450/2/31)
Nine-Year Spring (450/3/1 - 450/7/30)
  8S: MA0811, AC0870, CM0804, HI0831, SC0801   9F: MA0922, AC0811, CM0903, HI0911, GV0911   9S: MA0911, AC0821, CM0904, HI0931,GV0921   10F: MA1022, AC0861, HM1001, NA1001, MA1025   10S: MA1011, AC0851, HM1002, NA1011, MA1026   11F: MA1122, Sewing, Cooking, FI1101, MA1027   11S: MA1111, Art??, Homemaking??, GE1101, MA1028


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