Magic: Classes

Magic on Poneren can be categoried into eight magical classes. Each class has a strong affinity for one of the character aptitudes:
  • Decepist = Passive + External + Mind -> Aura; Illusion
  • Gaiist = Passive + External + Body -> Gravitas; Summon
  • Auxilist = Passive + Internal + Mind -> Knowledge; Support spells
  • Virrist = Passive + Internal + Body -> Fortitude; Armor, improved strength, improved sight (physical)
  • Suadrist = Active + External + Mind -> Senses; persuasion
  • Partist = Active + External + Body -> Quickness; Fireball, change what wasn't there
  • Exerist = Active + Internal + Mind -> Creativity; Improved sight (mental), exercise what's already there
  • Mutist = Active + Internal + Body -> Might; Heal, transmutation, change what is there
  The names (and even classifications) of these types are not consistent throughout all eras on Poneren, but were popularized during the first magical age.   Passive is about long-term ongoing, active is quick effects; long-term ongoing generally has a slow progression. Active to initiate + passive to retain is easier than passively building.   External is about new to the affected thing, internal is about what's already there; external to create + internal to improve is easier than just external.  When related to people, external is often specific thoughts and ideas which are novel to different people, while internal covers emotions, which exist in everyone at some level.   Mind is about mental and metaphysical (e.g., laws of universe), body is about physical; mind to affect laws to handle a physical manifestation is easier than physical within existing laws.   Partist is hardest to support and tends to have the most straightforward spells.   Spells may fall into multiple classes. Effects may be handled in multiple ways.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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