Riselle Academy for Magical Girls

The Riselle Academy for Magical Girls was founded late in the First Magical Age. Magic usage began to decline for women, even though the use of magical abilities was increasingly important in the home. To encourage proper and selective use of magic, the academy was founded. The school was intended to teach the fine arts of magicing the home, but over the years their courses expanded in scope and covered a variety of topics that could be found in any other top-tier magical academy.   The school consists of several buildings surrounding an open field, useful for some of the more dangerous magical exercises and a variety of sporting activities. Student and teacher dormitories, an assembly hall and classes cover most of the needs of the area, with an entrance hall guarding the walled compound.  

Class Grading

Grades at the Academy are scored out of 10. The scores may be given +/- modifiers to further discriminate demonstrated abilities.  
  • 0 - Unable to demonstrate any knowledge of topics taught in this class
  • 2 - Incompetence, but recognition of topics in course
  • 4 - Bare minimum passing grade
  • 8 - Mastery of all topics taught
  • 9 - Surpassed taught topics, explored topic further
  • 10 - Surpassed taught topics, teacher learned from the student through the course

Class Numbering

Each class is given a 6-character number:   AAYYCC  


AA represents the large area or field the class is in. This could be (HI)story, (MA)gic, (A)rts and (C)ulture, or other similar large area of schooling.  


YY represents the year the class is generally aimed for. For required classes, this is the year in which it falls into a standard schedule, while electives may either be slotted as the youngest year that could reasonably take the elective, or outside of the year ranges entirely.  


CC is a class number alotted to that specific class. Specific fields within the larger area may be given ranges within this space. For example within the AC (Arts and Culture) area, any of the 50-59 classes are dance classes.  

Class areas

  • History (HI)
    1. General (00-09)
    2. Magic (10-19)
    3. Tively (20-29)
    4. Emswort (30-39)
      • HI0831 - History of Emswort Overview
      • HI0931 - Advanced Emswortian History
  • Nature (NA)
    1. Geography (00-49)
      • NA1001 - Poneren Geography
      • NA1011 - Tivelean Geography
    2. Flora
    3. Fauna
  • Homemaking (HM)
    1. General (00-09)
      • HM1001 - Introduction to Homemaking
      • HM1002 - Introduction to Homemaking (cont.)
    2. Cooking
    3. Cleaning
    4. Childcare
  • Finances
    1. Business Management
    2. Home Finances
    3. Budgeting
    4. Animal Husbandry
  • Teaching
    1. Magic
    2. Children
  • Society (SC)
    1. Poneren (00-09)
    2. Tiveley (10-19)
    3. Emswort (20-29)
  • Government (GV)
    1. General (00-09)
      • GV1201 - Governmental Theory
    2. Tiveley (10-19)
      • GV0911 - Current Tivelean Government
      • GV1011 - Historical Tivelean Government
    3. Emswort (20-29)
      • GV0921 - Current Emswortian Government
      • GV1021 - Historical Emswortian Government
  • Communication (CM)
    1. CM0701 - Intro to the Poneren Language
    2. CM0702 - Intro to the Poneren Language II
    3. CM0801 - Reading/Writing III
    4. CM0802 - Reading/Writing IV
    5. CM0803 - Reading/Writing III - Accelerated
    6. CM0804 - Reading/Writing IV (Accelerated)
    7. CM0901 - Reading/Writing V
    8. CM0902 - Reading/Writing VI
    9. CM0903 - Reading/Writing V (Accelerated)
    10. CM0904 - Reading/Writing VI (Accelerated)
  • Magic (MA)
    • Pre-Classification (Founding-???)
      • General Magic (00-09)
      • Practical Magic (10-19)
        • MA0811 - Practical Magic I
        • MA0911 - Practical Magic II
        • MA1011 - Practical Magic III
        • MA1111 - Practical Magic IV
        • MA0812 - Practical Magic I (Advanced)
        • MA0912 - Practical Magic II (Advanced)
        • MA1012 - Practical Magic III (Advanced)
        • MA1112 - Practical Magic IV (Advanced)
      • Magic Theory (20-29)
        • MA0821 - Magic Theory I
        • MA0921 - Magic Theory II
        • MA1021 - Magic Theory III
        • MA1121 - Magic Theory IV
        • MA0822 - Magic Theory I Advanced
        • MA0922 - Magic Theory II (Advanced)
        • MA1022 - Magic Theory III (Advanced)
        • MA1122 - Magic Theory IV (Advanced)
        • MA1025 - Theory of Belief
        • MA1026 - Theory of Connections
    • Post-Classification (???+)
      1. General Magic (00-19)
      2. Duration
        • Short-term Magic (20-29)
        • Long-term Magic (30-39)
      3. Effect Type
        • New Effect Magic (40-49)
        • Changing Effect Magic (50-59)
      4. Target Type
        • Physical Magic (60-69)
        • Mental Magic (70-79)
      5. Specific Magics (80-99)
  • Art and Culture (AC)
    1. General (00-09)
    2. Drawing (10-19)
      • AC0811 - Introduction to Drawing
    3. Painting (20-29)
      • AC0821 - Introduction to Painting
    4. Writing (30-39)
      • AC0931 - Introduction to Poetry
    5. Fashion (40-49)
    6. Dance (50-59)
    7. Chorus (60-69)
    8. Musical Instruments (70-89)
      • AC0870 - Survey of Instruments
    9. Misc (90-99)



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