BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

12/12/23 Kindergarten

Word of the day: Archive. Was a bit hard to pronounce, but fine otherwise.   There was no kindergarten today, because it snowed. Instead, everyone played outside! Here's what happened. Knee built a snowman by piling a lot of snow on Peaches, so Peaches caught a cold. Knee claimed that she wanted a snowman "with the shape and heart of Peaches." Creepy. Varda built a snowman too, and thought the two of them looked similar. That's a definite no. Charlie, for some reason, built a snowman so he'll function as a scarecrow. There aren't any crows OR anything to protect. Later, Knee dressed up as santa claus and tried convincing people to give her milk and cookies. Responses included: "What am I, boy scouts?" "I'd rather starve." "I can see it's you, knee." ("No you can't!")  and more. In the afternoon, Varda took pictures of them all as advertisments for her kindergarten, and made a very short video of her saying she gives out the best education in the country. This got ruined by Peaches saying "You're kidding, right?" in the background.


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