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Cabbage and Kale Despair and Deafness

Cabbage and Kale Despair and Deafness

siamese twins, joint at the wrist. kale also known as the demon of deafness, is very protective of her brother. mainly because she loves him, not because she is literally joint with him at the wrist. Cabbage also known as the demon of despair, loves all humans, even though their joy literally kills him. they wear their souls around their necks, and even though they already have built in mental protection, and they dont age, they still have a charm like the rest of the crew on their jointed wrist.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

changes but they prefer slim and sexy

Body Features

devil tail and horns, kale has long pointed horns, cabbage has curled ram horns.

Facial Features

changes but they prefer sexy, but they usually have black soulless empty eye sockets

Identifying Characteristics

red streak in their hair to represent being cast out of demon society

Physical quirks

have devil tail and bat wings if they so choose, are siamese twins joint at the wrist

Special abilities

deafness is deaf and can make people deaf either short range or longe range. despair is mutated and for some reason is able to feel joy, however he is able to cause despair in a radius around him, and through touch. they can also do the usual demon things, ya know suck out peoples souls, shapeshift. disintegrate in sunlight.

Apparel & Accessories

things that make it possible to dress as siamese twins, usually slim fitting and grey to show off a lot of shape, 1 soul necklace each, 1 broken heart charm total

Specialized Equipment

1 enchanted ether steel knife each, 1 coil of rope each, 3 handcuffs total, 1 soul necklace each, 1 bagh nakh each

Mental characteristics

Personal history

cabbage and kale were originally called despair and deafness. they lived in the demon lands. humanoids usually refer to this place as hell. their very existance causes pain to millions of humans every day. they were enjoying themselves living life torturing damned souls. despair was mutated and weirdly had an obsession with human joy. which is especially strange because it literally kills him. this freaked out the other demons and they kicked despair out. the mob offered to let deafness stay. but she refused to be seperated from her brother. demons can feel and exist in different states than their namesake, but that comes with time and experience. or mutation like despair. despair and deafness were quickly trapped in the mortal realm. because they can only move at night. and the world is mostly ocean. water kills them as water purifies and they are literally the most unpure essence ever existed except groundhogs, and eversor himself. they stowed away on a ship. using deafness's powers to hide themselves. though because of Cranberries special hearing they were quickly discovered. the person who can hear everything is going to notice when things get quite. because for him they never are. if you think about it, the loudest sound for Cranberries is silence. the captain, Ppickles, gives them a choice, she knows the usefulness of demons. so either she would kill them or they would join. since previously their only goal was surviving this strange new world. they agreed to join. here they found friends which was a strange new concept to them. and more than they couldve hoped for. while its true that fear is a terrible motivator. Ppickles had little else to offer them. eventually they became friends and threats were unnecessary. this gave ppickles the idea for the tactic she uses today for recruitment. abduct then indoctrinate. dont give them a choice until they want what you want them to.

Gender Identity

cabbage is male kale is female kale is not transphobic she completely understands choosing ur own gender since she did the same when she was born. i know thats not how it works for us unlucky mortals, but she is confused enough by gay, lets let her believe this is how it works.


aroace kale has the condition homophobia, she is not a jerk or a karen about it. but is just confused and uncomfortable uncontrollably because of she was raised. its not her fualt, and the crew works hard to help her understand.


in the demon realm they are considered well educated. top of the class, or at least kale is. but in the mortal realm they dont know nothin.


nightwatch for the crew. you might think this is a waste of their abilities. but really its genius. demons do not have a concept of boredom. they can focus on paint drying for hours and not be bored. so being given nightwatch is perfect since they are nocturnal, and cant get bored. if they notice an intruder, kale can inflict them with temporary deafness. while they wake up the crew. the intruder will be surrounded and dealt with before they know whats happening.

Accomplishments & Achievements

cabbage and kale are actually quite good at feeling things and being things other than their namesake despite being quite young.

Failures & Embarrassments

getting kicked out of hell.

Mental Trauma

getting kicked out of hell, being threatened by ppickles. even they new ppickles. mainly because eversor likes to boast about his well trained dragon mortal demigod thing.

Intellectual Characteristics

cabbage can play the bagpipes. quite good with combat despite being connected. they find it cute how slow most mortals are. to them we basically walk in slow mo

Morality & Philosophy

death is queen eversor is god


hurting humans cabbage likes seperating, they can, they just dont want to.

Personality Characteristics


stay alive keep friends alive eat souls

Savvies & Ineptitudes

cabbage is real good at nerding out about humans kale is good at scaring children, she doesnt mean to.

Likes & Dislikes

likes souls dislikes sunlight and water

Virtues & Personality perks

kale is left handed lol cant get bored

Vices & Personality flaws

disentegrates in sunlight or water

Personality Quirks

cabbage stutters


they dont know what that is fortunately i do kale is quite neat. cabbages crazed ramblings are quite messy they cant touch water and smell bad but cant clean themselves, though sometimes theyll jump in afire to get rid of some of the dirt. they arent dirty per se but they arent clean either. they dont really get dirty.


Contacts & Relations

good friends with death and eversor

Family Ties

siblings to each other.

Religious Views

eversor good ad ens bad

Social Aptitude



dont have many, as that is weird 4 demons

Hobbies & Pets

cabbages familiar is challenger the boa kales familiar is vengeance the black widow


cabbage stutters

Wealth & Financial state

they dont know what money is. if they want something they take it. if someone tries to stop them they eat that person.

siamese twins joint at the wrist. with kale on the right and cabbage on the left when u r facing them. Cabbage is sweet and loving he wants everyone to be happy and optimistic though optimism literally kills him. Kale is fierce and protective of cabbage

View Character Profile
cabbage is chaotic neutral and kale is chaotic evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
spirits of deafness and despair.
as old as human sentience
Date of Birth
when was deafness and despair born?
Current Residence
the acceptance ship
kale is female cabbage is male
solid black darkness
kale is Blonde, she prefers it down perfectly straight cabbage is brown almost black haired his is in short dreadlocks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
changes, but they prefer grey like gargoyles
changes but they prefer 6ft
changes they prefer really light like 10lbs
Known Languages
demon hct

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