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the disaster of 3600

The disaster of 3600 PA
  Legend says there was a shroomie unlike any other shroomie, her name was Fly Agaric. She was known for her kindness everyone she was touched was filled with light and love. The more love she gave the more love she felt. Legend says she got sent to prison once for talking to criminals. She talked the fellow prisoners into the most successful largest most peaceful prison break. Legend says she was teaching some bullies to be kind, when the Acceptance firebranders came to raid the town. She ran up and hugged the leader, Ppickles. She said “I'm so glad to finally meet you! I'm sure we will be good friends! I'm sure if you ask nicely and pay, you could get what you need and we'll be off!” “What's your name?” “Fly agaric, though most people just call me shroomie, you know cus there's so few of us.” She smiles in that way that only Fly Agaric could, the kind of smile that makes everyone else want to smile along. Ppickles looked down at this short sweet bushy haired shroomie, and she knew she'd found a geode among dirt. A jewel that deserved to shine. “Welcome aboard, Orchid!” “Orchid?” “We all get new names, if you want to join us you gotta follow our customs.” “Oh of course! I love the new name. Thank you!” And that's how with one short friendly conversation Orchid stopped the most powerful war machine in its tracks. And turned them peaceful for a day. Then as she stayed with them that day stretched into a week, then a month. Soon it'd been a year since Ppickles or any of the Acceptance Operatives had killed. The time stretched on and on, for ten years the Acceptance became peaceful, they still upheld their standards, they just didn't use violence to do it. Legend says When they needed someone with a cruel heart to change their mind they just locked them in a room with Orchid for a day. They came out as a changed person willing to show kindness and love. Orchids power was unprecedented. Using kindness she saved the world hundreds of times over. But she was still a shroomie, she was still cursed. When she received a wound just from tripping and falling, or from slipping with a knife in the kitchen, it would never heal. Eventually she was covered in bandages you could barely see her face, her beautiful smile covered up by the bandages, these bandages just prolonged her life a little longer, but eventually the inevitable happened.
  Orchid died.
  Out of pure grief and anger, the Acceptance leveled the entire country of Calbia. Once a beautiful deciduous forest, now a barren landscape.
  It took them an hour.
  They Ppickles called on the powers of the Gods and the sun, she brought her home from before the apocalypse to reality. She cursed the entire land of Calbia to forever be a desert. Inhospitable and cruel.
  2 million died
  50 thousand wounded
  from the initial attack.
  Of the survivors
  30 thousand died
  slowly, of starvation stumbling around in the desert, lost.
  Their entire culture, their way of life.
  Millions of species
  Billions of nature spirits
  The Acceptance was back, with a bang. They were once again the feared, hated firebranders they'd always been. They plundered, murdered, abducted, ravaged, as they went, patrolling the waters, bringing death and fear wherever they went.
  Legend says
  Once a year, the Acceptance, Captain, Elites, Operatives, Crew. For an entire day, Orchids birthday, from midnight to midnight they are awake working serving others. Teaching love and kindness, giving to the poor and needy. Helping the homeless find a home. Feeding the starving. Clothing the naked, comforting the grieving. They give like there is no tomorrow.
  Ppickles gives millions of gold to charity. Cranberries hands out snowcones. Juniper heals sick crops. Floof heals everybody she can. Oliver helps millions of children find a home. Blueberries finds millions of dogs a home. Blueberries cooks for hundreds of thousands of starving homeless people. Thomas teaches deaf children sign language and integrates sign language as part of the towns basic education. Thomas gives horseback rides to kids. Breeze stops muggings, assaults, and kidnapping. Then kidnaps the criminals who would've gone to jail and gives them a life aboard the Acceptance. Breeze helps hunt food for struggling families. Taru helps distribute instruments and teaches kids to play. Reeds donates thousands of books to libraries and reads to kids. Candy sets up gaming systems for free in houses all over the world. Kadam teaches kids to swim and brings fresh water to those who struggle to get any. Cabbage and Kale do a comedy act, using their shape-shifting. The entire time wearing an Orchid flower in their hair. And more than once if u catch them turning their heads away to shed a small tear for their friend.

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