
A peculiar divinly created world. It orbits Lutae between Secumum and Potestatem, much closer to the former mentioned world. There are two supermassive main location of the world, the golem, and the Funal bowl. While both techinically make up all of Funal proper, the rimmed bowl shaped land at the top is usually all that's being refered to when anyone says Funal.
The Golem is a several dozen mile tall humanoid with six arms that rests on one knee below the Funal bowl. It has a normal pair of humanoid arms and four additional ones. A pair extends from both the pectorals and shoulder blades of the golem. Five of the six arms extend upward and hold an edge of the bowl. The sixth arm coming from the back left shoulder blade when facing the golems front, is destroyed above the wrist and hangs on the creatures back.
The Funal bowl is a nearly flat bowl shaped planet. Measuring about two hundred and nintey miles in diameter, the bowl can be crossed on foot in about ten days. The bowl has three main climates making it up.


Bowl Proper

A massive temperate rain forest covers most of the worlds surface. The lush green woods team with plant life and a small population of native and imported wildlife.

The Border

Near the edges of the bowl mountainous fjords, cliffs, ravines, and rocky hills ramp up to the worlds sharp raised edge. This region is quite small but lines the entire perimeter of the planet. Half of this border region is dominated by the five hands holding the edges of the bowl.
The Hands
The hands are a pinkish grey rocky material that resemble a human hand. From far away they may appear to be smooth topped mountains. Up close they are crisis crossed with lines, cracks, and caverns. The final region came about sometime during the second era when the sixth hand was destroyed by large scale dwarven mining operations.
History of the Hands, The Fall of the Sixth
In yet another case of they dug too deep, the dwarves mined the hands for their maluable yet strong material. After several thousand years of this the hand broke apart. This resulted in the death of tens of thousands of dwarves, a global scale landslide reminscent of a meteor shower, and the destruction of the region.
Post Fall of the Sixth
In the lifetimes following the hands destruction a massive earthquacke from the arms fall and impact again the golem rocked the world and destroyed most of the bowls civilzation. In addition to this the mountains at the edge of the bowl seemed to curl inward. The hand no longer holding them back caused them roll inward and slowly and shrink, crack, and annhilate the region. That sixth, soon to be a fifth of the bowl, is now a wasteland of upheaved geography. Some argue it gives the planet some change in geography from one place to the next.
The Modern Funal
The world has repopulated over the late second era into the modern day. Dwarves have once again returned to the world, along with them a injection of kobolds, orcs, and many space faring species have taken up residence in the land.


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