Perisian Desert ((Purr-is-eee-an))

The small brain shaped reigon is the historical center of history for the second through third era's history books. Located here the ancient super city and capital of the Perisian Empire, and center of the Portes Impériales system reigned over the globe.
History states that Thánatos "The Destroyer" was born in the center of this city at the start of the third era. Traveling north Thanatos laid waste to everything in its wake. The city was not simply destroyed, it was reduced to ash. Only the outer edges and some underground structures remain in the fourth era.
The land has since recovered and become a dry savannah region. The sparse tree's and subtropical lands provide little nourishment for the growing population within the place. Most people believe the land is cursed and do not enter it. Though scholars have found little evidence of residue from the calamities begining here.


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