The Infinte Abyss

The Abyss is a seperate plane of exsistence from Potestatem. Containting endless layers of stacked landmasses, it follows different rules then the material plane we occupy. Each layer down descends furhter into madness. The top most layers contain monsters one might encounter in a dark wood or cave. A few dozen layers down the demons of the abyss become common. These creatures crave destruction and choas inately. By the hundreth layer some of the creatures gain evil intelligence or great arcane power. Further down ancient evils fight in endless wars among their own kind. Slimes, fungal, and many other creatures come from the abyss. The world prays to the Temple for its continued protection from this plane of death and destruction.   The Abyss's infinte depth is only one of it's special properties. Those who enter the abyss subject themselves to it's choatic mental energies. A weakmindset will almost immedieatly shift to a more choatic personality. Even the strong willed are worn down over time. Many report becoming more driven by their emotions, having a disregard for the law and others say, and overall increase in impusliveness after a trip to the abyss.   Trips to the abyss are common for demons. Even in death a demon will reserect at a low layer of the abyss where it can restart its life. Either climbing back toward the top where portals to the material plane are more common, or staying hidden away. Never quite destroyed.


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