Department of EXtranormal Investigations Organization in Power Play | World Anvil

Department of EXtranormal Investigations

The Department of Extranormal Investigations (DeXI) are a newly created branch of the United Principalities Federal Government and have overall jurisdiction on anything relating to or caused by Extranormal Individuals.  This remit extends to Powered Individuals, Aliens, Inter-Dimensional beings and so forth.


The organisational head reports directly to the President of the United Principalities, with local Federal Agents who themselves have been classified as Extranormal or deemed competent enough to survive dealing with such beings.

Public Agenda

DeXI exists to protect the UP from Extranormal threats, be they foreign or domestic or, indeed, otherworldly.
Founding Date
Founded 1 week after the Second Catalyst Event, The
Alternative Names
Leader Title

Articles under Department of EXtranormal Investigations


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